Thursday, July 31, 2008
Stress and depression can disturb the life as well as health of an individual. Being optimistic and taking help of others and planning can help ward off stress and depression. The storms and stresses of life will either drive us forward or back, depending on how we direct our course. It is easy to blame others when the real problems usually lie within us. Our own personal response means far more than all the influences that surround us. Many of our failures are due to childish reactions that we have carried over into adult life. This is a common cause of mental and physical illness. Most of our mental illnesses arise because the individual cannot cope with the stress and strain of life. It is the parent’s responsibility to help each child to grow up into full maturity and peace of mind. Main causes for stress are: Financial situation can cause stress at any time of the year. Overspending during the holidays on gifts, travel, food and entertainment can increase stress. Relationships can cause tension, conflict or stress at any time. Family misunderstandings and conflict can increase the stress. A conflict mainly arises with so increased needs and interests to accommodate. Loss of sleep often results in fatigue and quickly impairs a person’s normal judgment. The higher centers of the brain are the first to show the effects of overwork and anxiety. Such a person may become depressed, losing all interest in life and burdened with a sense of impending death. Stress may he caused by a variety of factors. External factors include loud noises, blinding light, extreme heat or cold, X-rays and other forms of radiation, drugs, chemicals, bacterial and various toxic substance, pain, and inadequate nutrition The factors from within the body include hate, envy, fear, or Jealousy. Stress symptoms Body, brain and nervous system react actively The body and the mind react to any stress factor. A large number of physical changes take place when a person is under stress. The brain and nervous system become intensely active; the pupils of the eye dilate; digestion slows down; muscles become tense; the heart starts pumping blood harder and faster; blood pressure increases; breathing becomes faster; hormones such as adrenaline are released into the system along with glucose from the liver; and sweating starts. All these changes like place in split second under the direction of the nervous system. If the stress factors are removed immediately, no harm accrues and all the changes are reversible. Poor sleep, frustration, increase in alcoholic intake etc Stress in its earlier and reversible stage leads to poor sleep, bad temper, continual grumbling, domestic conflict, repealed minor sickness, accident proneness, a feeling of frustration, and increase in alcoholic intake. Stress causes External stress factors like loud noises, drugs, etc Stress may he caused by a variety of factors both outside the body and within. External factors include loud noises, blinding light,extreme heat or cold, X-rays and other forms of radiation, drugs, chemicals, bacterial and various toxic substance, pain, and inadequate nutrition Internal stress factors like envy, jealousy, etc The factors from within the body include hate, envy, fear, or Jealousy. Home Remedies for Stress Stress treatment using Holy Basil (tulsi) The leaves of holy basil have been found beneficial in the treatment of stress. They are regarded as an anti-stress agent. Recent studies have shown that the leaves protect against stress significantly. It has been suggested that even healthy persons should chew twelve leaves of basil twice a day, morning and evening, for preventing stress Stress treatment using Sage The herb sage is considered valuable in stress. A tea prepared from the leaves of this plant should be given in the treatment of this condition. This tea is prepared by pouring a cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried sage leaves. The water should be covered and infused for several minutes. It should then be strained and sweetened, with honey, if desired. In the case of fresh leaves, a tablespoon of coarsely chopped sage leaves should be used and tea prepared in the same way Stress treatment using Nutrients Certain nutrients have proved beneficial in relieving stress. These are vitamins A and B; and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium which reduce the feeling of irritability and anxiety. Vitamin A is found in green and yellow vegetables. Some of the valuable sources of vitamin B are cashew nuts, green leafy vegetables, yeast, sprouts, and bananas. An element of vitamin B complex, pantothenic acid, is especially important in preventing stress. It has a deep effect on adrenal glands and the immune system; an adequate amount of this vitamin, along with vitamin A, can help prevent many of the changes caused by stress. Potassium deficiencies are associated with breathlessness, fatigue, insomnia, and low blood sugar. Potassium is essential for healthy heart muscles. Nuts and whole grains are good sources of this mineral. Calcium is a natural sedative. Deficiencies can cause fatigue, nervousness and tension. Dairy products, eggs, almonds, and soya beans are rich sources of this mineral. Magnesium is known as nature's tranquilliser and is associated with the prevention of heart attacks. It is found in many fruits, vegetables, seeds, dates, and prunes Stress treatment using Other Foods There are many foods which help in meeting the demands of stress and should be taken regularly by the patients. These include yoghurt, blackstrap molasses, seeds, and sprouts. Yoghurt is rich in vitamins A, D, and the B complex group. It relieves migraine, insomnia, and cramps associated with menstruation. Blackstrap molasses, a by-product of the sugar-refining process, is rich in iron and B vitamins. It guards against anaemia and is good for heart disease. Seeds such as alfalfa, sunflower, pumpkins, and sprout are rich in calcium and quite effective as deterrents of listlessness and anxiety. If a loved one has recently died or you aren't near loved ones, realize that it's normal to feel sadness and grief. It's OK now and then to take time just to cry or express your feelings. You don't have to force yourself to be happy. If you feel alone, seek out family members and friends, or community, religious or social services. They can offer support and companionship. Getting involved and helping others can lift your spirits and broaden your social circle. Find new ways to celebrate together from afar, such as sharing pictures, e-mails or videotapes. Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don't live up to your expectations. Set aside grievances until a more appropriate time for discussion. And be understanding if others get upset or distressed. Before you go shopping, decide how much money you can afford to spend on gifts and other items. Then be sure to stick to your budget. If you don't, you could feel anxious and tense for months afterward as you struggle to pay the bills. Prepare a plan for shopping, baking, visiting friends and other activities. That'll help prevent to create any confusion Take sufficient sleep for 8-10 hours. Spending just 15 minutes alone, without distractions, may refresh you enough to handle everything you need to do. Go away to a silent place, even if it's the bathroom, for a few moments of solitude. Take a walk at night. Listen to light music. This is very useful home remedy for stress. Drink a hot cup of milk mixed with honey and cinnamon or nutmeg. It will help calm you down. Avoid foods or drinks with alcohol, caffeine, chocolate or sugar. Eat regularly, and eat whole foods such as vegetables and grains, avoiding processed foods. Drink beverages with hops, such as non-alcoholic beer, for relaxation. Chew twelve leaves of basil twice a day, morning and evening, for preventing stress. This is also very useful home remedy for stress. Prepare a tea by pouring a cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried sage leaves. The water should be covered and infused for several minutes. It should then be strained and sweetened, with honey, if desired. Vitamins A and B; and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which reduce the feeling of irritability and anxiety, are also very helpful in reducing the stress. Foods, which are helpful in reducing the stress, include yoghurt, blackstrap molasses, seeds, and sprouts. Regular physical exercise plays an important role in the fight against stress. Keeping anger within you adds to feelings of stress; blowing up in a rage is almost as bad. Take a hot bath. It is a very good stress reliever. Diet for Stress Lifestyle change, optimum diet, regular exercise and rest In dealing with stress, the lifestyle of the patient needs a complete overhaul. He should be placed on an optimum diet, and be encouraged to take regular exercise and adequate rest. If this is done, many diseases caused by stress can be eliminated. Diet plays an important role in the prevention and healing of stress induced diseases. Food to be avoided during stress Certain foods associated with stress and anxiety should be scrupulously avoided. These foods are caffeine in coffee and many soft drinks, salt, sugar, cigarettes, and alcohol. Other stress treatment Do Regular physical exercise and eliminate unnecessary stress Regular physical exercise plays an important role in the fight against stress. It not only keeps the body physically and mentally fit, but also provides recreation and mental relaxation, Recreation and rest are also important. The patient should set a definite time for recreational activities, and should take a holiday at regular intervals. Above all, he should simplify his style of living to eliminate unnecessary stress
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
How does one overcome anger and hatred?
It’s all very well to talk about love and its healing power. Infact I and everybody else at intentblog do that all the time.And we really mean it-well i certainly do :-)
I reiterate it over and over again not only to myself but to everyone I am blessed to share my life with. I talk about love and forgiveness and miracles & magic & I sincerely believe in all of it too.
I get 100’s of letters and emails from perfect strangers telling me how my words and actions have brought about a happy change in their life and thinking. It scares me. Puts too much pressure on me especially on days when I want to feel weak and vulnerable and so badly need a shoulder to cry on. I just want to be a cry baby!
I want to yell, abuse, slap people, and tell a few others to go to hell where they belong.
I also want to be extremely self indulgent/obsessed, belligerant and rabidly aggressive.
ok ok- thats a bit strong for me but what the hell. Allow me.
So ok -We all know that love is the cure for all maladies. At most times in my life I exercise this philosophy with great efficiency and things around me move smoothly and my world turns into a happy place.
But there are other days when I am filled with so much anger and hatred and frustration and resentment it scares me. I wonder about the force which brings it on.
I recognize that it’s most often emotional triggers from people or events in my life – (i recognize them very clearly)
and my inability to will it away and eliminate it all together from my life.
It angers me-the gulit and despair i feel about all this hatred and rage that i feel-but still i cant make it go away
Some other times I’m not even sure of the triggers.
PMS times don’t count-on those days every woman is allowed her unpleasantries.
I discuss it with my friends and colleagues often-some of them recommend an hour long cry(minimum) but that does not cut it.
We all agree it will pass but how does one get through these moments?
Distance from upsetting stimuli does not take it away.
Analysing and coming to terms with our frustrations and shortcomings dosent help either
No amount of creative activity, painting , writing, reading, praying, partying,meditating, philosophysing, positive thinking, jogging on the beach or 100 kisses from my daughter seems to take it away.
The monster keeps wrenching at the heart and tearing it apart.
& i wonder
What makes one kind of emotion beneficial & the other detrimental? Who's to decide?
Emotion is emotion-what makes it good or bad? Is every emotion not equally valid?
Does everybody feel this way sometimes?
So what does one do at times like this?
Besides blogging of course…:-)
Ohmygawd! Does anybody have an answer?
I reiterate it over and over again not only to myself but to everyone I am blessed to share my life with. I talk about love and forgiveness and miracles & magic & I sincerely believe in all of it too.
I get 100’s of letters and emails from perfect strangers telling me how my words and actions have brought about a happy change in their life and thinking. It scares me. Puts too much pressure on me especially on days when I want to feel weak and vulnerable and so badly need a shoulder to cry on. I just want to be a cry baby!
I want to yell, abuse, slap people, and tell a few others to go to hell where they belong.
I also want to be extremely self indulgent/obsessed, belligerant and rabidly aggressive.
ok ok- thats a bit strong for me but what the hell. Allow me.
So ok -We all know that love is the cure for all maladies. At most times in my life I exercise this philosophy with great efficiency and things around me move smoothly and my world turns into a happy place.
But there are other days when I am filled with so much anger and hatred and frustration and resentment it scares me. I wonder about the force which brings it on.
I recognize that it’s most often emotional triggers from people or events in my life – (i recognize them very clearly)
and my inability to will it away and eliminate it all together from my life.
It angers me-the gulit and despair i feel about all this hatred and rage that i feel-but still i cant make it go away
Some other times I’m not even sure of the triggers.
PMS times don’t count-on those days every woman is allowed her unpleasantries.
I discuss it with my friends and colleagues often-some of them recommend an hour long cry(minimum) but that does not cut it.
We all agree it will pass but how does one get through these moments?
Distance from upsetting stimuli does not take it away.
Analysing and coming to terms with our frustrations and shortcomings dosent help either
No amount of creative activity, painting , writing, reading, praying, partying,meditating, philosophysing, positive thinking, jogging on the beach or 100 kisses from my daughter seems to take it away.
The monster keeps wrenching at the heart and tearing it apart.
& i wonder
What makes one kind of emotion beneficial & the other detrimental? Who's to decide?
Emotion is emotion-what makes it good or bad? Is every emotion not equally valid?
Does everybody feel this way sometimes?
So what does one do at times like this?
Besides blogging of course…:-)
Ohmygawd! Does anybody have an answer?
An airport and some mercenaries
I was on another delayed flight today, waiting inside the plane for over an hour and a half. I switched on the tiny TV screen, flipped past the laughter challenge show, past the food show, past the travel show, and was hooked on to an edge-of-the-seat hockey match between India and Pakistan.
An image stayed with me. A man soaked in sweat, in the Indian team’s light blue T-shirt, walked slowly holding his stick after Pakistan beat India 4-3.
But let me take you back an hour and a half.
I was at the departure lounge back at the airport, doing what I always do when waiting in public places: looking at people and trying to guess who they are, what lives they live, and inventing stories about them. Two metres away from me to my left, there was a man completely invisible in the rows of chairs, dressed in a full-sleeved black T-shirt and shorts, listening to songs from his mobile phone and sharing the headphone with his friend on his right.
It was the same man.
It was India’s hockey star, top national team player and former captain Dilip Tirkey.
The celebrated defender. The guy who I would watch in amazement on my tiny TV screen at 30,000 feet an hour and a half later, walking back in dejection and complete exhaustion after the defeat to Pakistan.
Dilip sat looking around, barely talking, a face lost among hundreds seated across the huge lounge. He fiddled with his rug sack, the colour of army fatigues. He ran his hand through his short hair. He caught me looking at him. I didn’t say anything.
He then stood up, in the centre of the departure lounge, completely and utterly unnoticed. People walked past him, several people came and sat next to him, picking up newspapers from seats around.
Many of them front-paged pictures of the new mercenaries – players of the IPL cricket league, every man worth some crore of rupees. And there were copies of the entertainment supplement of the Times of India, which had a story about how Kingfisher chief Vijay Mallya had convinced Beyonce Knowles to perform at the inauguration of the IPL, and Shah Rukh Khan had prevailed upon Amitabh Bachchan and his family.
Tirkey went back to his seat – next to the lean man with whom the player had shared the headphone wearing it in an ear each. The other man wore a black cap that said: “Condemned”. I am not sure if it was bitter sarcasm, or a Freudian slip.
I picked up the newspaper with the Beyonce story. It asked readers to turn the page. There, it told them the entire story was for April Fool’s Day.
And I suddenly realised the subject of the joke was sitting next to me, wearing his black T-shirt, a headphone in one ear.
The joke was on him.
The joke was on us, this country that loves to throw money on mercenaries.
An image stayed with me. A man soaked in sweat, in the Indian team’s light blue T-shirt, walked slowly holding his stick after Pakistan beat India 4-3.
But let me take you back an hour and a half.
I was at the departure lounge back at the airport, doing what I always do when waiting in public places: looking at people and trying to guess who they are, what lives they live, and inventing stories about them. Two metres away from me to my left, there was a man completely invisible in the rows of chairs, dressed in a full-sleeved black T-shirt and shorts, listening to songs from his mobile phone and sharing the headphone with his friend on his right.
It was the same man.
It was India’s hockey star, top national team player and former captain Dilip Tirkey.
The celebrated defender. The guy who I would watch in amazement on my tiny TV screen at 30,000 feet an hour and a half later, walking back in dejection and complete exhaustion after the defeat to Pakistan.
Dilip sat looking around, barely talking, a face lost among hundreds seated across the huge lounge. He fiddled with his rug sack, the colour of army fatigues. He ran his hand through his short hair. He caught me looking at him. I didn’t say anything.
He then stood up, in the centre of the departure lounge, completely and utterly unnoticed. People walked past him, several people came and sat next to him, picking up newspapers from seats around.
Many of them front-paged pictures of the new mercenaries – players of the IPL cricket league, every man worth some crore of rupees. And there were copies of the entertainment supplement of the Times of India, which had a story about how Kingfisher chief Vijay Mallya had convinced Beyonce Knowles to perform at the inauguration of the IPL, and Shah Rukh Khan had prevailed upon Amitabh Bachchan and his family.
Tirkey went back to his seat – next to the lean man with whom the player had shared the headphone wearing it in an ear each. The other man wore a black cap that said: “Condemned”. I am not sure if it was bitter sarcasm, or a Freudian slip.
I picked up the newspaper with the Beyonce story. It asked readers to turn the page. There, it told them the entire story was for April Fool’s Day.
And I suddenly realised the subject of the joke was sitting next to me, wearing his black T-shirt, a headphone in one ear.
The joke was on him.
The joke was on us, this country that loves to throw money on mercenaries.
The Corporate Servants
Contributed to IndiaVed by Bhaskar Tripathi, an Computer Scientist, Adventure Freak and World Traveler by Email
The Corporate Servants
Guys, Normally, I dispense from using offenseive slang in my vocal conversation. However when I get pissed off from my current 8-9 hour office cubicle life, enthusiasm spurts the influx of energy in my hot blooded muscles and my fingers are compelled to type the instructions recieved from "that thing" resting above my two shoulders.
This might force all you non-sportsmen,non-entreprenuers,non-rockstarts,non-artists (in crux non-achievers), to think what have you really done in your these thoughts,you might get the courageto show that middle finger to everyone in the world when you disagree!!
“It was true that I didn’t have much ambition, but there ought to be a place for people without ambition, I mean a better place than the one usually reserved. How the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so? You, hear those boring mission statements from your business leaders,nod your head in approval and come back to your seats and again start earning your living.
You are taught to think out-of-box,innovate,communicate,inspire,manage (blah-balh-blah) etc. As if this were not enough, you will also be constantly expected by your bootless corporate bosses to be good,gel up with tardy,old people and be coroborrating in every statement they utter.
Purpose and achievement of your life ?
These are my thoughts for our so called corporate leaders.No offence meant please ! , plain facts...
You are proud of being a mere corporate servant . As if you were a politician,sports superstar,business tychoon or a celebrity.
You still do not have those guts and courage to do something different in life.
You followed a 10-15 year cumbersome process to climb up the corporate ladder and managed to become a VP/country head,however it was a process not a business legacy.
Face this hard fact that you have burnt out your body and do not have any other physical skills left in your body to earn a living in a non-intellectual way.You cannot even become a yoga instructor.
You have always worked for others, never for yourself for more than 10-15 years, so you cannot innovate and run a business empire.If you cannot run a bussiness, even after learning it for that long,you are not the best.
I think enough of bashing the business leaders. :):)
Its a rule of the game that they have to be like this...and they have achieved quite a lot in their lifes.You should take inspiration from them to to think out-of-the-box,innovate,communicate,inspire,manage (blah-balh-blah) etc. LOL :)
The Corporate Servants
Guys, Normally, I dispense from using offenseive slang in my vocal conversation. However when I get pissed off from my current 8-9 hour office cubicle life, enthusiasm spurts the influx of energy in my hot blooded muscles and my fingers are compelled to type the instructions recieved from "that thing" resting above my two shoulders.
This might force all you non-sportsmen,non-entreprenuers,non-rockstarts,non-artists (in crux non-achievers), to think what have you really done in your these thoughts,you might get the courageto show that middle finger to everyone in the world when you disagree!!
“It was true that I didn’t have much ambition, but there ought to be a place for people without ambition, I mean a better place than the one usually reserved. How the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so? You, hear those boring mission statements from your business leaders,nod your head in approval and come back to your seats and again start earning your living.
You are taught to think out-of-box,innovate,communicate,inspire,manage (blah-balh-blah) etc. As if this were not enough, you will also be constantly expected by your bootless corporate bosses to be good,gel up with tardy,old people and be coroborrating in every statement they utter.
Purpose and achievement of your life ?
These are my thoughts for our so called corporate leaders.No offence meant please ! , plain facts...
You are proud of being a mere corporate servant . As if you were a politician,sports superstar,business tychoon or a celebrity.
You still do not have those guts and courage to do something different in life.
You followed a 10-15 year cumbersome process to climb up the corporate ladder and managed to become a VP/country head,however it was a process not a business legacy.
Face this hard fact that you have burnt out your body and do not have any other physical skills left in your body to earn a living in a non-intellectual way.You cannot even become a yoga instructor.
You have always worked for others, never for yourself for more than 10-15 years, so you cannot innovate and run a business empire.If you cannot run a bussiness, even after learning it for that long,you are not the best.
I think enough of bashing the business leaders. :):)
Its a rule of the game that they have to be like this...and they have achieved quite a lot in their lifes.You should take inspiration from them to to think out-of-the-box,innovate,communicate,inspire,manage (blah-balh-blah) etc. LOL :)
Why all Nice Girls go to the Bad Guys?
It is interesting to speculate on the reasons that make females so anxious to debase themselves. Though they would never admit it openly. But it is quite obvious from their actions. Apart from other things, it is quite obvious from their mating behavior. Human females, like most other mammals, have the responsibility to select the opposite sex. The selection mechanism is the same as the natural selection process, i.e. the survival of the fittest. The nature has designed this entire system so that the best genes are carried to the future species. This has been the selection mechanism for all the other animals, which has triggered the evolution of species and the variety of life forms on earth. This fundamental reason of natural selection has been the key factor in deciding the behavior of the female animals in all the species. The best genes in case of animals are of course of the strongest animals in terms of physical parameters. So the female animals select those male animals, which win over other males in the battle preceding sex. In other words the strongest and the most influential of the males have the first right to sex in animal kingdom. This of course means that many male animals are deprived of sex throughout their lives. But this ensures the best genes are being propagated. This wonderful mechanism of the nature has created the variety of life forms on earth. The selection mechanism of human females has also been the same since the beginning. That was required to be the same during the stone ages and even early days of ancient civilizations. The best genes were of those men who were the most dominating in the society and hence the females selected those. But since the evolution of technology and science, the growth of the human civilization has been largely dependent upon the intellectuals who have leashed fire, found wheel, steam, electricity, crossed oceans, built sky scrapers. The survival is no more dependent upon the brute physical strength or domination, but the intellectual soul. So the best genes are not of those, who are just strong enough to collect the food, but of those who can modify the genes so that the food becomes unnecessary. But it seems that the human females have not evolved enough to match the speed of social evolution to modify their selection mechanism to select the right genes. They are still lingering in their naked pasts. They still need to look up at the man’s eyes, as if they were pleading for food in exchange of sex. They still need to be dominated and tampered like their ancestors. Only difference is that now, there is no true purpose behind it. They have not yet recognized that the society has already offered them equality and they no more need to be dependent on a strong and dominating man. One of the interesting traits of the modern female is, she cries for independence to go for a man, who treats her no better than a slave. This thrills them for some obscure reasons. As if it gives them the assurance that, “yes this is the man who is strong enough to save me from the beasts, who can bring me food.” They will not feel attracted towards a man who treats them as equal, because he is not strong enough to dominate them. Why is it that they think so weak of themselves that they cannot defend themselves in a society that is almost secure? Why is it that they want to be dominated, tampered, and abused? Why can’t they take up an equal position with male, when it is being offered to them? When will they recognize that the strength in the human society has changed its focus? It is no more with the people who are merely strong enough to dominate a female or a few of their fellowmen. They can’t recognize the strength of the human soul that is driving the human society, human civilization further, when the rest are simply adding to the inertia of it. It is the strength of these intellectuals, which has controlled the nature, tamed the brute force of the fire. Which has measured the sky and the sea. It is these humans, which are strong enough to stand against the god. It is the wealth created by these men that they are feeding upon. These are the people who are strong enough to stand by their own ideals. This is the true representation of the strength in the present human society. The females should recognize this changed nature of measure of strength among males and perform their responsibility correctly before the growth of the civilization becomes stagnant due to the extinction of the strong men.
Just to be Born is Not Enough to be Alive
Someone said, "people visiting here ask, WHY DO WE LEAD SUCH A RICH LIFE?
- Life means abundance, richness, in every possible dimension. Just look at existence. Do you think it is poor? Look at the millions of flowers, their fragrance; look at the millions of stars. Man has not been able yet to count them, and I don't think he is ever going to be able to count them. With your bare, naked eye you only see, at the most, three thousand stars -- and that's nothing. And these stars are expanding. Just as a flower opens up and the petals start going away from the center, the universe is continuously flowering, blossoming, opening -- and with a tremendous speed. The stars are going farther away from the center. We don't know exactly where the center is; but one thing is certain, that the whole universe is running fast, moving, alive.
Those people who ......(ask that question) don't know what life is for. They have never lived. Yes, they have been born; but just to be born is not enough to be alive. They will vegetate and think they are living. And one day they will die, without ever having lived at all. These are the miracles that go on happening all around the world; people who have never lived, die -- such an impossibility! But it happens every day. And many have recognized it at the moment of death, and have said it is so, that "it is strange; for the first time I am realizing that I missed life."
If you live, for what? To love, to enjoy, to be ecstatic -- otherwise why live at all?
And what is 'richness'? -- just making life more and more enjoyable, more and more lovable, more and more comfortable, more and more luxurious.
The man who knows nothing of the great world of music is poor; he is missing one of the greatest luxuries of life. The man who does not know how to enjoy Picasso, van Gogh, does not know anything about the colors. If he cannot enjoy Leonardo da Vinci, how can he enjoy a sunrise, a sunset? Millions of people go on living, never recognizing a sunrise, never stopping for a moment to look at a sunset and all the colors that the sunset leaves behind in the sky. Millions of people never raise their eyes towards the sky and the splendor of it.
Living can only mean one thing: living life multidimensionally -- the music, the poetry, the painting, the sculpture... but it is all luxury. I am not a worshipper of poverty; I worship luxury. And existence is luxurious, abundantly luxurious. Where one flower will do, millions of flowers blossom. Have you ever felt that existence is miserly? What is the need of so many stars?
If these fools who ask you the question, if they meet the creator they believe in, they will ask, "What is the need of so many stars? Why this luxury? A few less won't do? What is the need of so many birds, animals, human beings?"
I teach you to live tremendously, ecstatically, in every possible way. On the physical level, on the mental level, on the spiritual level, live to the uttermost of your possibility. Squeeze from each single moment all the pleasures, all the happinesses possible, so that you don't repent later on that, "that moment passed and I missed." Do not think of the past, because in thinking about the past you will be missing the present moment, which is the only moment, which is all that exists. And don't think of the future: of another life, of the kingdom of God -- all sheer nonsense.
Tomorrow does not exist at all. It is always today -- always and always today.
It is always this moment. So squeeze it. Don't leave any juice in it. Once you learn to squeeze all the juice out of it, you will never think of the past. What is there left to think of? Then the past leaves no traces on you. It is only the unlived past which becomes your psychological burden.
Let me repeat: the unlived past... those moments which you could have lived, but you have not lived... those love affairs which could have flowered, but you missed... those songs which you could have sung, but you remained stuck to some stupid thing and missed the song.... It is the unlived past which becomes your psychological burden, and it goes on becoming heavier every day.
That's why the old man becomes so irritable. It is not his fault. He does not know why he is so irritable -- why every thing and each thing irritates him, why he is constantly angry, why he cannot allow anybody to be happy, why he cannot see children dancing, singing, jumping, rejoicing, why he wants everybody to be quiet -- what has happened to him.
It is a simple psychological phenomenon: his whole unlived life. When he sees a child start dancing his inner child hurts. His inner child was somehow prevented from dancing -- perhaps by his parents, his elders, perhaps by himself because it was respected, honored. He was brought before the neighbors and introduced: "Look at this child, how quiet, calm, silent; no disturbance, no mischief." His ego was fulfilled. Anyway, he missed. Now he cannot bear it, he cannot tolerate this child. In fact it is his unlived childhood that starts hurting. It has left a wound. And how many wounds are you carrying? Thousands of wounds are in line, because how much have you left unlived?
So the people who come here...(and ask the question), they come here almost dead, carrying their own dead bodies here. When they see you alive, they are shocked. They would have been immensely happy if they had seen ascetics sitting under juniper trees, naked, starving, praying to God, who does not exist. They would have been immensely happy, because then you were far more dead than they were; in comparison they have managed better than you. They would have respected you because you helped them to feel better. When they come to visit here, seeing you, they feel themselves empty, spent -- meaninglessly. It hurts. It hurts deeply, hence the question, "Why do you live so rich a life?"
But richness is your birthright.
You have not come with anything written on your forehead. You can go to the surgeon and let him look into your forehead. Nothing is written there, and nothing is written in the lines of your hand. You come in this world absolutely like a plain, unwritten, open book. You have to write your fate; there is nobody who is writing your fate. And who will write your fate? And how? And for what? You come in the world just an open potentiality, a multidimensional potentiality. You have to write your fate. You have to create your destiny. You have to become yourself.
You are not born with a readymade self. You are born only as a seed, and you can die also only as a seed. But you can become a flower, can become a tree. And out of one seed there can come millions of seeds. Do you see the abundance and richness of existence? One seed can make the whole earth green, the whole universe green -- what to say of the earth! Just one seed... how much potential is carried in a single small seed! But you can keep it in your safe, bank account, and live a life which is not life at all.
I am all for richness in every possible way. And remember that richness is possible only if you allow it in all the ways.
Do not be deceived by the old idea that you will be spiritually rich if you starve your body; if you physically torture your body you will be spiritually rich -- no. It is absolutely unscientific. I have seen people who have tortured their body their whole life, but I have not seen their soul being enriched by it. In fact their soul has died long ago.
Your body and soul are not enemies. They live in harmony.
You are a harmonious whole. Everything is integrated with everything else. You cannot make one part rich and another part poor. The whole becomes affected, becomes either poor or rich. You have to accept your wholeness.
So live, and live intensely. Burn the torch of your life from both the ends together. Only such a man can die blissfully, smiling.
A master was dying... it was just the last moment. His disciples had gathered. One disciple asked, "Master, you are leaving us. What is your last message?"
The master smiled, opened his eyes, and said, "Do you hear the squirrel running on the roof?" Then he closed his eyes, died. The disciples were at a loss... what kind of message is this? "Do you hear the squirrel running on the roof?" But that was his whole life's message: just the moment. At that moment he was enjoying the squirrel. Who bothers about death? And who bothers about the last message? He was in the moment, herenow. And that was his message: don't move anywhere else, just remain here and now. Even at the moment of death... the sound of the squirrel on the roof, and he enjoyed it.
Now, such a man must have lived immeasurably, immensely, incredibly. No regret, sheer gratitude... smiled -- what else do you want as a last message? A smile is enough. And to smile at the door of death is possible only if there are not unlived moments standing in a row behind you, pulling, asking you, "What about me?"... those incomplete moments.
But if there is nothing incomplete, every moment has been completed, there is nothing; it is just silence. And if every moment is completed, there is nothing in the future either, because it is only the incomplete moment which asks for tomorrow: if you have not been able to fulfill it yesterday, fulfill it tomorrow. But if there is no yesterday incomplete, then there is no projection for tomorrow. Then this moment is all.
- Osho, From Unconsciousness to Consciousness, 1984
- Life means abundance, richness, in every possible dimension. Just look at existence. Do you think it is poor? Look at the millions of flowers, their fragrance; look at the millions of stars. Man has not been able yet to count them, and I don't think he is ever going to be able to count them. With your bare, naked eye you only see, at the most, three thousand stars -- and that's nothing. And these stars are expanding. Just as a flower opens up and the petals start going away from the center, the universe is continuously flowering, blossoming, opening -- and with a tremendous speed. The stars are going farther away from the center. We don't know exactly where the center is; but one thing is certain, that the whole universe is running fast, moving, alive.
Those people who ......(ask that question) don't know what life is for. They have never lived. Yes, they have been born; but just to be born is not enough to be alive. They will vegetate and think they are living. And one day they will die, without ever having lived at all. These are the miracles that go on happening all around the world; people who have never lived, die -- such an impossibility! But it happens every day. And many have recognized it at the moment of death, and have said it is so, that "it is strange; for the first time I am realizing that I missed life."
If you live, for what? To love, to enjoy, to be ecstatic -- otherwise why live at all?
And what is 'richness'? -- just making life more and more enjoyable, more and more lovable, more and more comfortable, more and more luxurious.
The man who knows nothing of the great world of music is poor; he is missing one of the greatest luxuries of life. The man who does not know how to enjoy Picasso, van Gogh, does not know anything about the colors. If he cannot enjoy Leonardo da Vinci, how can he enjoy a sunrise, a sunset? Millions of people go on living, never recognizing a sunrise, never stopping for a moment to look at a sunset and all the colors that the sunset leaves behind in the sky. Millions of people never raise their eyes towards the sky and the splendor of it.
Living can only mean one thing: living life multidimensionally -- the music, the poetry, the painting, the sculpture... but it is all luxury. I am not a worshipper of poverty; I worship luxury. And existence is luxurious, abundantly luxurious. Where one flower will do, millions of flowers blossom. Have you ever felt that existence is miserly? What is the need of so many stars?
If these fools who ask you the question, if they meet the creator they believe in, they will ask, "What is the need of so many stars? Why this luxury? A few less won't do? What is the need of so many birds, animals, human beings?"
I teach you to live tremendously, ecstatically, in every possible way. On the physical level, on the mental level, on the spiritual level, live to the uttermost of your possibility. Squeeze from each single moment all the pleasures, all the happinesses possible, so that you don't repent later on that, "that moment passed and I missed." Do not think of the past, because in thinking about the past you will be missing the present moment, which is the only moment, which is all that exists. And don't think of the future: of another life, of the kingdom of God -- all sheer nonsense.
Tomorrow does not exist at all. It is always today -- always and always today.
It is always this moment. So squeeze it. Don't leave any juice in it. Once you learn to squeeze all the juice out of it, you will never think of the past. What is there left to think of? Then the past leaves no traces on you. It is only the unlived past which becomes your psychological burden.
Let me repeat: the unlived past... those moments which you could have lived, but you have not lived... those love affairs which could have flowered, but you missed... those songs which you could have sung, but you remained stuck to some stupid thing and missed the song.... It is the unlived past which becomes your psychological burden, and it goes on becoming heavier every day.
That's why the old man becomes so irritable. It is not his fault. He does not know why he is so irritable -- why every thing and each thing irritates him, why he is constantly angry, why he cannot allow anybody to be happy, why he cannot see children dancing, singing, jumping, rejoicing, why he wants everybody to be quiet -- what has happened to him.
It is a simple psychological phenomenon: his whole unlived life. When he sees a child start dancing his inner child hurts. His inner child was somehow prevented from dancing -- perhaps by his parents, his elders, perhaps by himself because it was respected, honored. He was brought before the neighbors and introduced: "Look at this child, how quiet, calm, silent; no disturbance, no mischief." His ego was fulfilled. Anyway, he missed. Now he cannot bear it, he cannot tolerate this child. In fact it is his unlived childhood that starts hurting. It has left a wound. And how many wounds are you carrying? Thousands of wounds are in line, because how much have you left unlived?
So the people who come here...(and ask the question), they come here almost dead, carrying their own dead bodies here. When they see you alive, they are shocked. They would have been immensely happy if they had seen ascetics sitting under juniper trees, naked, starving, praying to God, who does not exist. They would have been immensely happy, because then you were far more dead than they were; in comparison they have managed better than you. They would have respected you because you helped them to feel better. When they come to visit here, seeing you, they feel themselves empty, spent -- meaninglessly. It hurts. It hurts deeply, hence the question, "Why do you live so rich a life?"
But richness is your birthright.
You have not come with anything written on your forehead. You can go to the surgeon and let him look into your forehead. Nothing is written there, and nothing is written in the lines of your hand. You come in this world absolutely like a plain, unwritten, open book. You have to write your fate; there is nobody who is writing your fate. And who will write your fate? And how? And for what? You come in the world just an open potentiality, a multidimensional potentiality. You have to write your fate. You have to create your destiny. You have to become yourself.
You are not born with a readymade self. You are born only as a seed, and you can die also only as a seed. But you can become a flower, can become a tree. And out of one seed there can come millions of seeds. Do you see the abundance and richness of existence? One seed can make the whole earth green, the whole universe green -- what to say of the earth! Just one seed... how much potential is carried in a single small seed! But you can keep it in your safe, bank account, and live a life which is not life at all.
I am all for richness in every possible way. And remember that richness is possible only if you allow it in all the ways.
Do not be deceived by the old idea that you will be spiritually rich if you starve your body; if you physically torture your body you will be spiritually rich -- no. It is absolutely unscientific. I have seen people who have tortured their body their whole life, but I have not seen their soul being enriched by it. In fact their soul has died long ago.
Your body and soul are not enemies. They live in harmony.
You are a harmonious whole. Everything is integrated with everything else. You cannot make one part rich and another part poor. The whole becomes affected, becomes either poor or rich. You have to accept your wholeness.
So live, and live intensely. Burn the torch of your life from both the ends together. Only such a man can die blissfully, smiling.
A master was dying... it was just the last moment. His disciples had gathered. One disciple asked, "Master, you are leaving us. What is your last message?"
The master smiled, opened his eyes, and said, "Do you hear the squirrel running on the roof?" Then he closed his eyes, died. The disciples were at a loss... what kind of message is this? "Do you hear the squirrel running on the roof?" But that was his whole life's message: just the moment. At that moment he was enjoying the squirrel. Who bothers about death? And who bothers about the last message? He was in the moment, herenow. And that was his message: don't move anywhere else, just remain here and now. Even at the moment of death... the sound of the squirrel on the roof, and he enjoyed it.
Now, such a man must have lived immeasurably, immensely, incredibly. No regret, sheer gratitude... smiled -- what else do you want as a last message? A smile is enough. And to smile at the door of death is possible only if there are not unlived moments standing in a row behind you, pulling, asking you, "What about me?"... those incomplete moments.
But if there is nothing incomplete, every moment has been completed, there is nothing; it is just silence. And if every moment is completed, there is nothing in the future either, because it is only the incomplete moment which asks for tomorrow: if you have not been able to fulfill it yesterday, fulfill it tomorrow. But if there is no yesterday incomplete, then there is no projection for tomorrow. Then this moment is all.
- Osho, From Unconsciousness to Consciousness, 1984
Luck or Hard work?
You've probably heard your parents or teachers tell you throughout life to work hard and it will pay off. Give it your best shot and you will succeed. Put your heart and soul into what you want and you can have anything you set your mind to. Then there are those that swear by luck.
Destiny is everything according to these believers of fate. You can only have what you are destined to have.
I look around me and think about the many people in my life that are at different phases in their careers. There are those that have done well, some that have lost their path to success and others that have succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. I have seen 25 year olds becoming Directors and Program Managers, entrepreneurs all around in their mid 20's - mid 30's, young CEO/CTO/CFOs and yet some still searching for the "perfect job".
I have a cousin that just started a company last year thats already valued at 10's of millions of dollars. A friend of mine signed a deal last year making him a millionaire for at least the next 10 years. Another friend who is making recording deals and is a millionaire before hitting 25. One whose trust fund is maturing next month and another whose kids will probably never have to work.
So is it hard work that brought them where they are or is it luck? Sure most of these people have put a lot of effort and sleepless nights into getting to where they are today. These are smart individuals with immense drives and great ambitions that lead them to success and prosperity. The trust fund babies had it all handed to them on a silver platter but they will probably spend their lives working hard in trying to maintain it. But is it just plain hard work that is solely responsible for the incredible success these people have achieved?
There are so many people that I know that are total worker bees that work above and beyond the call of duty yet they are not nearly as successful. The employees that are first in and last out yet are still awaiting promotions after doing their job well for 12 years. People that have built companies from the ground up and given it their all only to see it crumble in front of them due to freak accidents or poor economy. Classic example is of those that invested in the real estate or stock market. There are those that made millions and others that followed that lost millions. A relative of mine doubled his business thanks to a storm that hit the city next to his destroying all business in that city hence allowing my cousin to step in and take more business. I mean isn't that just pure luck? The storm could've hit his city just as easily and then he'd be outta business but instead here he is richer faster than he had expected.
I have a cousin in India who says he's just waiting for his good fortune to come. He doesn't think he has to do anything because he knows its his fate to be rich in life, his palm reader said so. He is still living with his parents and unhappily unmarried. So clearly, just luck doesn't do it.
What is it that pushes you to that next level, beyond the norm?? Is it equal amounts of luck & hard work or the "right" combination of the two? If so, how do you get to the right combination???
Destiny is everything according to these believers of fate. You can only have what you are destined to have.
I look around me and think about the many people in my life that are at different phases in their careers. There are those that have done well, some that have lost their path to success and others that have succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. I have seen 25 year olds becoming Directors and Program Managers, entrepreneurs all around in their mid 20's - mid 30's, young CEO/CTO/CFOs and yet some still searching for the "perfect job".
I have a cousin that just started a company last year thats already valued at 10's of millions of dollars. A friend of mine signed a deal last year making him a millionaire for at least the next 10 years. Another friend who is making recording deals and is a millionaire before hitting 25. One whose trust fund is maturing next month and another whose kids will probably never have to work.
So is it hard work that brought them where they are or is it luck? Sure most of these people have put a lot of effort and sleepless nights into getting to where they are today. These are smart individuals with immense drives and great ambitions that lead them to success and prosperity. The trust fund babies had it all handed to them on a silver platter but they will probably spend their lives working hard in trying to maintain it. But is it just plain hard work that is solely responsible for the incredible success these people have achieved?
There are so many people that I know that are total worker bees that work above and beyond the call of duty yet they are not nearly as successful. The employees that are first in and last out yet are still awaiting promotions after doing their job well for 12 years. People that have built companies from the ground up and given it their all only to see it crumble in front of them due to freak accidents or poor economy. Classic example is of those that invested in the real estate or stock market. There are those that made millions and others that followed that lost millions. A relative of mine doubled his business thanks to a storm that hit the city next to his destroying all business in that city hence allowing my cousin to step in and take more business. I mean isn't that just pure luck? The storm could've hit his city just as easily and then he'd be outta business but instead here he is richer faster than he had expected.
I have a cousin in India who says he's just waiting for his good fortune to come. He doesn't think he has to do anything because he knows its his fate to be rich in life, his palm reader said so. He is still living with his parents and unhappily unmarried. So clearly, just luck doesn't do it.
What is it that pushes you to that next level, beyond the norm?? Is it equal amounts of luck & hard work or the "right" combination of the two? If so, how do you get to the right combination???
Confused mind
Some days ago, We had our fest in our college. One of the organizers approached me and asked me if I could prepare a playlist so as to fit a Fashion show as he was not happy with the one the choreographer had made. I said okie as he was one of my best friends, so why not do it. I heard the whole concept of their fashion show and also heard the songs selected for the show. The first song was good so I continued and heard the other songs but I was suprised more in the sense shocked at the selection of the songs the choreographer had selected, it was completely rock and jazz. I didnt know in what state of mind did he select such songs. I told my friend that these songs will not work for show as the feel will be completely different.
Imagine a traditional fashion show with rock playing background. Ya you guessed it right, these are the right ingredients for a disaster. I told my friend the same and he agreed to it and told me to start afresh. I went searching for songs everywhere, through my collection, on the net, enquired my friends etc etc. Finally I came up with a playlist full of Indian songs suiting exactly to the theme of the show and showed it to him. My friend was overjoyed hearing the songs. He told me that it was awesome and thanked me a lot. I felt happy at his reaction and appreciation for my hard work. But my joy was shortlived as he came back the next day and told me that the choreographer had rejected all the songs saying that the songs are not good. He also added that all other members in the team just loved my music and only the choreographer had problems with it. I told him that it was his wish whether he wants to choose the songs or not. He was in a dilemma as he wanted to choose my songs but could not bcoz of the choreographer. After some days, he told me that he has coaxed his choreographer and managed to add a few songs of my playlist.
Finally the day of the show arrived, I went to see that show, I was particularly curious as to how the choreographer had fit rock and jazz in a traditional show. The show started. The first two round went on smoothly as the lone song I had liked in his playlist and one of my songs were used in it. But when the third sequence started, as I had contemplated, it was very bad to see traditional with Rock background. I thanked god that the show ended very soon. After the customary praise and calculated adulation shared with the fashion team. I went back home that night and sat on my bed. Something was bothering me. I asked myself if a part of me was secretly happy that fashion show was a disaster. Was I happy that a competitor might have erred in his selection? And the truth is, I was happy, and that made me feel sick.
It doesn’t really matter how hard you introspect for that answer, the reality I guess is that it is in human nature to be jealous of someone for his or her success. Here I was, feeling pleasure from a classmate’s imminent pain that his show flopped.
Why is it so easy, so natural for people to feel a tinge of excitement when another person misses the mark with their work? Why does a section of people secretly wish that you fail so that you can be branded as a failure and they succeed. What’s the matter with us?
We are all very competitive in the world so as to establish a mark in the world, and that spirit is exhilarating and bold. But how much more evolved would we be if we collectively took the blame for a flopped idea or a flopped project.
Idealistic, I know. It’s too tempting to relish someone else’s failures, but if we could turn that jealousy into a more acceptable envy, I think we’d could achieve solidarity very easily.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sacrificing sons of a country
Deserving the respect of humanity
Enduring the hardships in life
In departing their families
In suppressing their feelings
In achieving their dreams
Builds a mind of confidence.
Departing souls from the sand
The death of innocent people
Can’t discourage a soldier
As there lay a prayer of thousands..
The shadow of death that beckons
As a snow from the mountains
With no cue,to quench its thirst
A sacrifice for the motherland
To purify with their bloodstains.
The risk in a soldiers life
The courage to face the death
The sacrifice to the world
Will not be recognized
Unless you be a soldier
A soldier for not your life
But for the life of thousands..
Deserving the respect of humanity
Enduring the hardships in life
In departing their families
In suppressing their feelings
In achieving their dreams
Builds a mind of confidence.
Departing souls from the sand
The death of innocent people
Can’t discourage a soldier
As there lay a prayer of thousands..
The shadow of death that beckons
As a snow from the mountains
With no cue,to quench its thirst
A sacrifice for the motherland
To purify with their bloodstains.
The risk in a soldiers life
The courage to face the death
The sacrifice to the world
Will not be recognized
Unless you be a soldier
A soldier for not your life
But for the life of thousands..
This one is for Lexical lyfe.....
Sometimes, the urge to write is so strong that this is the kind of output it eventually brings out...
The use of English has been confined to communicating when needed, reading and writing off late, it has hardly taken a dominating role in my common parlance but then too some of the words in English has assumed greater importance in life and these are the word which I like most and which dominates my thinking and personality in some way or the other.
So, here it goes.....
'We all need little bit of MADNESS in our lives.' Yours truly once said this.
MADNESS is the word which has always attracted me for its ability to generate positive vibes (you can always disagree). It has a dash of arrogance to it.
It is certainly the word I am trying to inculcate in my life.
‘I believe in KARMA.’ You will find this line somewhere here in this blog. A word adopted in English from Sanskrit which literally means all of your actions will have equal repercussions, affecting you.
I am still trying to understand and comprehend the theory of KARMA but one thing for sure I like the whole concept. This covers whole lot of traits such as values, principles and ethics which forms the basis of the KARMA.
INERTIA has been always strong in my case. Its kind of inbuilt mechanism in my mind which makes its presence felt in the thoughts and behavior to certain extent.
And another thing, to be very frank I like the way it sounds, certainly one of the most beautifully sounding word in my dictionary.
I like RANDOM things. I like things randomly which does not have set pattern and has ability to surprise at times. How about RANDOM life....?
In recent past it has been the case as far as the life goes and let me confess that I am loving it.
MELANGE: A varied mixture of various elements.
MELANGE of colours... MELANGE of emotions... and an abstract MELANGE... aah...
It’s very interesting to put this word in the various aspects of life. Something that says there are no extremes in life. Little bit of this and little bit of that, basically a MELANGE of interpretation.
Last but not the least, 'LIFE'. I guess this is the most overused word in my dictionary with gamut of meanings. So simple but yet so complicated.
LIFE = Feelings, Dreams, Reality, Insanity, Passion, Sadness, Serendipity, Nostalgia, Money, fame and all other shit that you can think of.
This word covers the world in itself; I believe this word can not be defined absolutely. There’s always room for ones own interpretation.
I don’t know why but I always feel that it should be spelt as LYFE and not LIFE but as always it always can’t be the way you want it to be.
Such is LYFE.....!!! I mean LIFE....
That’s it for now....
The use of English has been confined to communicating when needed, reading and writing off late, it has hardly taken a dominating role in my common parlance but then too some of the words in English has assumed greater importance in life and these are the word which I like most and which dominates my thinking and personality in some way or the other.
So, here it goes.....
'We all need little bit of MADNESS in our lives.' Yours truly once said this.
MADNESS is the word which has always attracted me for its ability to generate positive vibes (you can always disagree). It has a dash of arrogance to it.
It is certainly the word I am trying to inculcate in my life.
‘I believe in KARMA.’ You will find this line somewhere here in this blog. A word adopted in English from Sanskrit which literally means all of your actions will have equal repercussions, affecting you.
I am still trying to understand and comprehend the theory of KARMA but one thing for sure I like the whole concept. This covers whole lot of traits such as values, principles and ethics which forms the basis of the KARMA.
INERTIA has been always strong in my case. Its kind of inbuilt mechanism in my mind which makes its presence felt in the thoughts and behavior to certain extent.
And another thing, to be very frank I like the way it sounds, certainly one of the most beautifully sounding word in my dictionary.
I like RANDOM things. I like things randomly which does not have set pattern and has ability to surprise at times. How about RANDOM life....?
In recent past it has been the case as far as the life goes and let me confess that I am loving it.
MELANGE: A varied mixture of various elements.
MELANGE of colours... MELANGE of emotions... and an abstract MELANGE... aah...
It’s very interesting to put this word in the various aspects of life. Something that says there are no extremes in life. Little bit of this and little bit of that, basically a MELANGE of interpretation.
Last but not the least, 'LIFE'. I guess this is the most overused word in my dictionary with gamut of meanings. So simple but yet so complicated.
LIFE = Feelings, Dreams, Reality, Insanity, Passion, Sadness, Serendipity, Nostalgia, Money, fame and all other shit that you can think of.
This word covers the world in itself; I believe this word can not be defined absolutely. There’s always room for ones own interpretation.
I don’t know why but I always feel that it should be spelt as LYFE and not LIFE but as always it always can’t be the way you want it to be.
Such is LYFE.....!!! I mean LIFE....
That’s it for now....
Create Send To option for your favorite Folder!!!!
Many times it is really very annoying to do cut & paste or copy & paste for your regular folders.For this we need a easy solution as we can directly send our data(movies, songs,or your relevant one ) in our favorite folder as we do by the right click and sending anything directly to Desktop, mail Recipient, My Documents or Pen Drive.
Now the solution for your problem is given below.....
Step 1:Copy the Address of your desired folder from address bar for example if it is C:\FAV copy it(its location on ur hard drive)
Step 2:Goto C:\ drive,goto Tools-->Folder Option-->View-->Hidden Files and Folders-->Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)-->Unhide Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)
#It will give a warning,don't worry!!!
Step 3:Goto C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo
#In place of Administrator its your User name
Step 4:Right Click --> New--> Shortcut.Paste The name of your desired folder in "Type the location of the Item" Text Field for Example C:\Fav -->Next-->Finish
Step 5:Goto C:\ drive,goto Tools-->Folder Option-->View-->Hidden Files and Folders-->Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)-->Hide Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)
#Step 5 is optional
You may browse ur desired folder also.....
Now the solution for your problem is given below.....
Step 1:Copy the Address of your desired folder from address bar for example if it is C:\FAV copy it(its location on ur hard drive)
Step 2:Goto C:\ drive,goto Tools-->Folder Option-->View-->Hidden Files and Folders-->Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)-->Unhide Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)
#It will give a warning,don't worry!!!
Step 3:Goto C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo
#In place of Administrator its your User name
Step 4:Right Click --> New--> Shortcut.Paste The name of your desired folder in "Type the location of the Item" Text Field for Example C:\Fav -->Next-->Finish
Step 5:Goto C:\ drive,goto Tools-->Folder Option-->View-->Hidden Files and Folders-->Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)-->Hide Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)
#Step 5 is optional
You may browse ur desired folder also.....
The 50 Rs. Story.....
A small touching story mainly for professionals...
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?" replied the man.
SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
the man said angrily.
SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an
DAD: "If you must know, I make Rs.100 an hour."
SON: "Oh," the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow Rs.50?"
The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you
can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about
why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little
boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to
think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that Rs.50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to
the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
"Are you asleep, son?" He asked.
"No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy.
"I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier" said the
"It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.. Here's the
Rs.50 you asked for."
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" He
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry
again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
"Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled.
"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied.
"Daddy, I have Rs.100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?
Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.
Do remember to share that Rs.100 worth of your time with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days.
But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.
The Autorickshaw Diaries
Inspired by the recently read book Motorcycle diaries by legendary personality CHE Guevara, I thought of writing this but thankfully this inspiration is confined to only title and not the content.
For long Mumbai has been identified with local trains and omnipresent BEST buses but autorickshaw has not been given its due may be because its area of operations has been restricted to half of Mumbai ie Mumbai suburbs
Travelling in auto rickshaw in Mumbai has been part of growing up in Mumbai for last as many years as I can remember, from the age when I was allowed to travel with 3 permitted adults as a kid to the age when I am considered among adults.
Likeness for autorickshaw is a subjective thing, if you are driving in your so called air-conditioned four wheel sedan, it will seem like unwanted creature crawling on the road and creating lot of troubles and you will inexorably end up uttering four, five or six letter words based on your linguistic influence and vocabulary preferences….. but if you are stuck somewhere and there is no other mode of travelling then it will come across as god send savior in the moment of crisis. Fortunately or unfortunately I have experienced both.
It’s an experience of a kind to travel in autorickshaw on Mumbai roads which are often used in same connotation as in moon’s surface. Talking about experience of travelling in autorickshaw… most of them have music system which will give you inferiority complex about your music system at home but unfortunately they typically play some unheard old hindi film songs or Altaf Raja kind of music (!!!) or Himesh Reshmiya with extra beats(!!!???##%%^) which sounds more like nuisance then music.
Broadly there are four categories of drivers in the roads of Mumbai which has some typical common traits among their respective categories. These are Motorcyclist, car drivers, bus drivers and autorickshaw drivers. All these categories are topic of separate discussion but talking about autorickshaw drivers, I think they are the most restless breed of drivers nurtured indigenously on the roads of Mumbai which can not be reproduced anywhere in the world. Even if they have scanty piece of automobile in their hand they drive it like some 100 horse powered engineering marvel. On the face of it, autorickshaw looks like some alien vehicle, cross breed between bajaj scooter and some delivery van.
Another interesting aspect of autorickshaw as per my observation comes from the people who use it for travelling. Owing to cosmopolitan (!!) nature of Amchi Mumbai, people from different walks of lyfe likes to call it in a many different ways such as AUTORICKSHAW, RICKSHAW, AUTO, RICK and some indigenous names like RIKSHO by typical gujju maniben or MENDHAK by car drivers because of the way it looks.
The most interesting part about autorickshaw for me is its fare. For last many years minimum fare is fixed at Rs 9 which is BATA style of pricing. Generally neither drivers have inclination to give the one rupee back nor do travelers have interest in taking the one rupee back but speaking about myself had I taken back all those one rupee coins over the years, by now I would have been in a position to buy my own autorickshaw.
For long Mumbai has been identified with local trains and omnipresent BEST buses but autorickshaw has not been given its due may be because its area of operations has been restricted to half of Mumbai ie Mumbai suburbs
Travelling in auto rickshaw in Mumbai has been part of growing up in Mumbai for last as many years as I can remember, from the age when I was allowed to travel with 3 permitted adults as a kid to the age when I am considered among adults.
Likeness for autorickshaw is a subjective thing, if you are driving in your so called air-conditioned four wheel sedan, it will seem like unwanted creature crawling on the road and creating lot of troubles and you will inexorably end up uttering four, five or six letter words based on your linguistic influence and vocabulary preferences….. but if you are stuck somewhere and there is no other mode of travelling then it will come across as god send savior in the moment of crisis. Fortunately or unfortunately I have experienced both.
It’s an experience of a kind to travel in autorickshaw on Mumbai roads which are often used in same connotation as in moon’s surface. Talking about experience of travelling in autorickshaw… most of them have music system which will give you inferiority complex about your music system at home but unfortunately they typically play some unheard old hindi film songs or Altaf Raja kind of music (!!!) or Himesh Reshmiya with extra beats(!!!???##%%^) which sounds more like nuisance then music.
Broadly there are four categories of drivers in the roads of Mumbai which has some typical common traits among their respective categories. These are Motorcyclist, car drivers, bus drivers and autorickshaw drivers. All these categories are topic of separate discussion but talking about autorickshaw drivers, I think they are the most restless breed of drivers nurtured indigenously on the roads of Mumbai which can not be reproduced anywhere in the world. Even if they have scanty piece of automobile in their hand they drive it like some 100 horse powered engineering marvel. On the face of it, autorickshaw looks like some alien vehicle, cross breed between bajaj scooter and some delivery van.
Another interesting aspect of autorickshaw as per my observation comes from the people who use it for travelling. Owing to cosmopolitan (!!) nature of Amchi Mumbai, people from different walks of lyfe likes to call it in a many different ways such as AUTORICKSHAW, RICKSHAW, AUTO, RICK and some indigenous names like RIKSHO by typical gujju maniben or MENDHAK by car drivers because of the way it looks.
The most interesting part about autorickshaw for me is its fare. For last many years minimum fare is fixed at Rs 9 which is BATA style of pricing. Generally neither drivers have inclination to give the one rupee back nor do travelers have interest in taking the one rupee back but speaking about myself had I taken back all those one rupee coins over the years, by now I would have been in a position to buy my own autorickshaw.
Virus trick using VB Script
Open notepad and type this:
i=msgbox ("Warning a virus has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning").Then save it as Virus.VBS and go to the folder that contains it and open it if a window pops out saying a virus has been detected it's working. Press yes or no to close the window and put it in the startup folder of the victim's account.On startup the window should appear.
This does not harm your computer as it does not contain virus.The Yes and no button does not do anything except closing the window. And you can edit the virus in the sentence: Warning a virus has detected on your PC to any kind of virus eg.Trojan Horse like this i=msgbox ("Warning a Trojan horse has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning").And in between make sure your victim does not panic and really reformat his harddisk.
i=msgbox ("Warning a virus has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning").Then save it as Virus.VBS and go to the folder that contains it and open it if a window pops out saying a virus has been detected it's working. Press yes or no to close the window and put it in the startup folder of the victim's account.On startup the window should appear.
This does not harm your computer as it does not contain virus.The Yes and no button does not do anything except closing the window. And you can edit the virus in the sentence: Warning a virus has detected on your PC to any kind of virus eg.Trojan Horse like this i=msgbox ("Warning a Trojan horse has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning").And in between make sure your victim does not panic and really reformat his harddisk.
How was the Universe born???
Birth of our universe, this is the question that comes to every ones mind what is the shape of universe, how big it is? does it has any end? so how was the universe formed? though there are many theories two theories big bang by albert einstein and inflation theory by Alan Guth are most widely accepted below is the video which explains the evolution of our universe under 4 minutes though everything starts from the bigbang a bubble the main question is how this bubble came into existence and how something came from nothing?
Self Appraisal....
A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven digits (phone numbers).
The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:
Boy: "Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): "I already have someone to cut my lawn."
Boy: "Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now."
Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Boy: (with more perseverance) : "Lady, I'll even sweepyour curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you willhave the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach , Florida."
Woman: No, thank you.
With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy.
Store Owner: "Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job."
Boy: "No thanks"
Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one.
Boy: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at thejob I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to
This is what we call "Self Appraisal" .I had done such self appraisals several times,hope many have done it too.What do you say?
A simple test for you......
A test for you.If you answer atleast 5 out of them you are good.
1. What programming language is GOOGLE developed in?
2. What is the expansion of YAHOO?
3. What is the expansion of ADIDAS?
4. Expansion of Star as in Star TV Network?
5. What is expansion of "ICICI?"
6. What does "baker's dozen" signify?
7. The 1984-85 season. 2nd ODI between India and Pakistan at Sialkot - India 210/3 with
Vengsarkar 94*. Match abandoned. Why?
8. Who is the only man to have written the National Anthems for two different countries?
9. From what four word expression does the word `goodbye` derive?
10. How was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu better known?
11. Name the only other country to have got independence on Aug 15th other than India?
12. Why was James Bond Associated with the Number 007?
13. Who faced the first ball in the first ever One day match in cricket?
14. Which cricketer played for South Africa before it was banned from international
cricket and later represented Zimbabwe ?
15. The faces of which four Presidents are carved at Mt.Rushmore?
16. Which is the only country that is surrounded from all sides by only one country
(other than Vatican )?
17. Which is the only sport which is not allowed to play left handed?
Wanna check the answers????
1. Google is written in Asynchronous java-script and XML, or its acronym Ajax ..
2. Yet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle
3. ADIDAS- All Day I Dream About Sports
4. Satellite Television Asian Region
5. Industrial credit and Investments Corporation of India
6. A baker's dozen consists of 13 items - 1 more than the items in a normal dozen
7. That match was abandoned after people heard the news of Indira Gandhi being killed.
8. Rabindranath Tagore who wrote national anthem for two different countries one is Indian
's National anthem and another one is for Bangladesh- (Amar Sonar* *Bangla)
9. Goodbye comes from the ex-pression: 'god be with you'.
10. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is none other Mother Teresa.
11. South Korea ..
12. Because 007 is the ISD code for Russia (or the USSR , as it was known during the cold war)
13. Geoffrey Boycott
14. John Traicos
15. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln
16. Lesotho surrounded from all sides by South Africa ..
17. Polo.
1. What programming language is GOOGLE developed in?
2. What is the expansion of YAHOO?
3. What is the expansion of ADIDAS?
4. Expansion of Star as in Star TV Network?
5. What is expansion of "ICICI?"
6. What does "baker's dozen" signify?
7. The 1984-85 season. 2nd ODI between India and Pakistan at Sialkot - India 210/3 with
Vengsarkar 94*. Match abandoned. Why?
8. Who is the only man to have written the National Anthems for two different countries?
9. From what four word expression does the word `goodbye` derive?
10. How was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu better known?
11. Name the only other country to have got independence on Aug 15th other than India?
12. Why was James Bond Associated with the Number 007?
13. Who faced the first ball in the first ever One day match in cricket?
14. Which cricketer played for South Africa before it was banned from international
cricket and later represented Zimbabwe ?
15. The faces of which four Presidents are carved at Mt.Rushmore?
16. Which is the only country that is surrounded from all sides by only one country
(other than Vatican )?
17. Which is the only sport which is not allowed to play left handed?
Wanna check the answers????
1. Google is written in Asynchronous java-script and XML, or its acronym Ajax ..
2. Yet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle
3. ADIDAS- All Day I Dream About Sports
4. Satellite Television Asian Region
5. Industrial credit and Investments Corporation of India
6. A baker's dozen consists of 13 items - 1 more than the items in a normal dozen
7. That match was abandoned after people heard the news of Indira Gandhi being killed.
8. Rabindranath Tagore who wrote national anthem for two different countries one is Indian
's National anthem and another one is for Bangladesh- (Amar Sonar* *Bangla)
9. Goodbye comes from the ex-pression: 'god be with you'.
10. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is none other Mother Teresa.
11. South Korea ..
12. Because 007 is the ISD code for Russia (or the USSR , as it was known during the cold war)
13. Geoffrey Boycott
14. John Traicos
15. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln
16. Lesotho surrounded from all sides by South Africa ..
17. Polo.
Do you Know what's a Liger? It's a cross breed of a Lion male and Tiger female.
Read on......
The 10ft Liger who's still growing....
He looks like something from a prehistoric age or a fantastic creation from Hollywood. But Hercules is very much living flesh and blood - as he proves every time he opens his gigantic mouth to roar. Part lion, part tiger, he is not just a big cat but a huge one, standing 10ft tall on his back legs. Called a liger, in reference to his crossbreed parentage, he is the largest of all the cat species.
On a typical day he will devour 20lb of meat, usually beef or chicken, and is capable of eating 100lb at a single setting. At just three years old, Hercules already weighs half a ton. He is the accidental result of two enormous big cats living close together at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species, in Miami , Florida , and already dwarfs both his parents.
"Ligers are not something we planned on having," said institute owner Dr Bhagavan Antle. "We have lions and tigers living together in large enclosures and at first we had no idea how well one of the lion boys was getting along with a tiger girl, then loo and behold we had a liger."
50mph runner... Not only that, but he likes to swim, a feat unheard of among water-fearing lions. In the wild it is virtually impossible for lions and tigers to mate. Not only are they enemies likely to kill one another, but most lions are in Africa and most tigers in Asia . But incredible though he is, Hercules is not unique. Ligers have been bred in captivity, deliberately and accidentally, since shortly before World War II.
Today there are believed to be a handful of ligers around the world and a similar number of tigons, the product of a tiger father and lion mother. Tigons are smaller than ligers and take on more physical characteristics of the tiger.
Look at the pictures of this giant...
Read on......
The 10ft Liger who's still growing....
He looks like something from a prehistoric age or a fantastic creation from Hollywood. But Hercules is very much living flesh and blood - as he proves every time he opens his gigantic mouth to roar. Part lion, part tiger, he is not just a big cat but a huge one, standing 10ft tall on his back legs. Called a liger, in reference to his crossbreed parentage, he is the largest of all the cat species.
On a typical day he will devour 20lb of meat, usually beef or chicken, and is capable of eating 100lb at a single setting. At just three years old, Hercules already weighs half a ton. He is the accidental result of two enormous big cats living close together at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species, in Miami , Florida , and already dwarfs both his parents.
"Ligers are not something we planned on having," said institute owner Dr Bhagavan Antle. "We have lions and tigers living together in large enclosures and at first we had no idea how well one of the lion boys was getting along with a tiger girl, then loo and behold we had a liger."
50mph runner... Not only that, but he likes to swim, a feat unheard of among water-fearing lions. In the wild it is virtually impossible for lions and tigers to mate. Not only are they enemies likely to kill one another, but most lions are in Africa and most tigers in Asia . But incredible though he is, Hercules is not unique. Ligers have been bred in captivity, deliberately and accidentally, since shortly before World War II.
Today there are believed to be a handful of ligers around the world and a similar number of tigons, the product of a tiger father and lion mother. Tigons are smaller than ligers and take on more physical characteristics of the tiger.
Look at the pictures of this giant...
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The Ultimate Gaming Machine
Ever herd of ‘AREA 51′ ? Well its a restricted area somewhere in the United States where they do research about aliens and other extra-terrestrial creatures. But this friendly alien shown below can run crysis like a pentium core-2 runs mindsweeper. Just check the baby out.
Its got the core-2 extreme processor with the latest NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 280 Graphics. You can customize it with storage spaces upto 4TB and dual graphics cards. Get yourself the overclocked version of the same and volla, you dont need to bother for an upgrade for the next 3 years.
THE Indo-US bilateral agreement on nuclear cooperation is in the eye of a political storm. The UPA government’s announcement of the conclusion of the agreement has led to a political crisis.It may be difficult for ordinary people to grasp the implications of the nuclear agreement with all its technical aspects and intricacies. The supply of nuclear fuel, the fuel cycle, the enrichment and reprocessing technologies and the safeguards agreement are all not within the knowledge of lay people. Without going into the complex issues concerning nuclear cooperation, one way to understand and assess the agreement is to ask: does this agreement advance India’s interests, does it protect our capacity for an independent foreign policy and sovereignty? Is this an agreement only on nuclear cooperation or is it part of a wider agreement?In 1974, when India conducted its first nuclear weapon test, no country was more surprised than the United States. The only nuclear explosive material India had on hand was plutonium, and the plutonium had been made in a Canadian-supplied reactor that India was running with sensitive “heavy water” imported from the United States. India had promised explicitly to restrict both the reactor and the heavy water to peaceful use. It was obvious, however, that India was running a secret bomb program under the guise of peaceful energy cooperation.The United States reacted by passing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Act of 1978. It prohibited the sale of American reactors, or reactor fuel, or heavy water, or similar items to countries like India that rejected the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and refused to put all of their nuclear material under international inspection. The law embodied a policy of providing the strongest possible support to the treaty.President George W. Bush has now asked Congress to reverse this policy, so that nuclear trade with India can recommence. If Congress agrees, it will have to change the law in order to exempt India from the criteria laid down in the 1978 act. The president will also have to persuade the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a consortium of countries that have banded together to restrict nuclear exports, to make an exception for India because India does not meet the Group’s export criteria either.The president has taken this action after making a deal with India in July 2005. Under the deal, the United States would effectively endorse India’s nuclear weapon effort in exchange for benefits that have proved rather difficult to define. When the deal is examined, it is hard to see a real prize for the United States. Yet, the supporters of the deal have repeatedly put forth claims that greatly exaggerate the supposed benefits. The claims have been repeated so often as to take on the aura of myths. Virtually absent, however, has been any discussion of the attendant risks of reopening this trade.The things going to happen if nuke deal happens:The deal will bring India into the "nonproliferation mainstream" and help stop the spread of nuclear weapons.India has made other new commitments that will help stop proliferation. Nuclear cooperation will make India a reliable U.S. ally. The deal will build up India as a bulwark against China. India’s strategic position entitles it to unique treatment.It is possible to loosen export controls for India without doing the same for Iran and other countries pursuing the bomb.U.S. nuclear exports will not help India make bombs.Peaceful space cooperation will not help India's nuclear missile program. India has an exemplary nonproliferation record and is a reliable trading partner. India needs more nuclear power to assure its energy future.The deal will result in more U.S. reactor salesThe deal is needed to build better relations with India.The deal is not primarily about making money; it is about creating a new U.S. strategic relationship in south Asia. The deal is consistent with U.S. efforts to fight terrorism.This is a “good deal for the United States.CPI says govt will pay 'big price' if its implements n-dealThe Left parties have, after carefully assessing the implications of the 123 agreement, demanded that the government not proceed further to operationalise the agreement.The Left parties put brakes on the controversial Indo-U.S. nuclear deal by warning the government of "serious consequences" of operationalising it, but stopped short of withdrawing support to the UPA coalition.Turning up the heat on the government, the CPI(M) Polit Bureau passed a resolution describing the deal as "unacceptable" and demanding that the government should not proceed further on it by commencing negotiations with the U.N. nuclear watchdog IAEA for safeguards which would bind India in perpetuity.BJP dares Left to pull the rugAmid a looming political crisis at the Centre over the Left’s strong disapproval of the Indo-US nuclear agreement, the BJP today asked the Left parties to take their objections to the deal to a logical conclusion and withdraw support to the three-year old UPA government.The TDP, a key member of the Third Front,strongly opposed the Indo-US nuclear deal and demanded a debate in Parliament on the issue.The TDP is of view that the nuclear deal with the US was against national interests.UPA floats new formula to break ice with leftOpening a possible window of opportunity to end the stand-off with the Left on the nuclear issue, a beleaguered UPA Government on Sunday night proposed the constitution of a special committee, comprising representatives from the Left and scientists, to study the implications of the Hyde Act. The Left Front parties will meet on Monday to weigh the new proposal.Here left has two problems if they support to UPA they will loss, if not BJP will gain .we will wait n see how much selfish is this politicians have ?
A Reason,a Season ,or a Lifetime
Everyday we meet numerous people. We loath some, we like some and then their are those that touch us in a way that we can't imagine to stay without them. We stop thinking rationally and what follows is...lets say, magical time. What we don't realise is that everything that has come, must leave as well.People come into our life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.When someone is in our life for a REASON...It is usually to meet a need we have expressed. They have come to assist us through a difficulty, to provide us with guidance and support us emotionally. They may seem like a godsend, and they are!Then, without any wrong doing on our part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. What we must realise is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. And now it is time to move on.When people come into our life for a SEASON its our turn to share, grow, or learn.They bring us an experience of peace, or make you laugh.They may teach us something we have never done.They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.LIFETIME relationships teach us lifetime lessons; things we must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Our job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what we have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of our life.But the question still remains- Can we ever really figure out whose with us for what...??? And more importantly-Can we accept that...???
The Halo Effect...
You are walking down the street and you spot a nice, good looking girl with a decent and polite smile walk by, and you think to yourself, "This is the kindda girl that I wanna marry. She isn't having even a single ounce of malice on her..." . This is called "THE HALO EFFECT". We see someone "seemingly nice" and we associate them to goodness. (and let me assure you, this is a very dangerous assumption).Many a times, when we are with someone (which can be anyone, a friend, a spouse etc) we do stuff that we know isn't right, but we continue doing it just for the thrill and excitment it provide. And after its done, many times what follows is the shame of doing it. Only to end up doing it all over again with the same person... When we were kids these kinds of activitieswere considered normal, but being an adult and knowing that we can't afford this behaviour, we eventually start to thinking that something is wrong with us. But why do we always have to associate this sinister behaviour with us, why not that "other" person...??? After-all its being with them that causes us to go crazy (althought in an exciting and thrilling way). And this whole scenario causes us to think, what is the root cause of this mess ??? and more importantly-Is it us...or them ???
The Perfect Present
By very nature humans are curious. This curiosity, however, sometimes lead us to doing stuff that we, later, regret.When things turn out to be in our favor, we usually gain something-Experience, which by the way is a good thing.But how do we cope and thereafter deal with the aftermath when things turn out to be against us and therefore leave us with nothing but the regret of having done them.Most people try to condone what has happened and TRY to move on (and, well most of those "most people" are usually successful), but can we really move away from the damage that has already been done. Can we ever really get ride of those ghosts that come back over and over, to haunt us and remind of all the evil that we did. That "evil" can be anything varying from breaking someone’s property for own interest to breaking someone’s heart. Having done something bad in past is it possible to minimize its effects on our present and plan a better future. And more importantly:How can we move on, if our past is present...???
India Emerges as the hub for clinical Research
India is emerging as the most potential destination for the international drug makers. It has been believed from all over the world that India is booming with the clinical trails and researches.Clinical trial is the research study by pharmaceutical firms and organizations, conducting drug discovery process to find out more efficient treatment for patients regarding different types of specific disease. Though a beginner in the field it forms the promising place for conducting the researches with it’s clinically expertise attitude.Low cost and better access to research related material is considered to be the main advantage of India. In addition, it is flourishing to the great heights due to its innovations as it not only empathizes on the traditional medicines but also formulating new small and large molecule therapies. India is preferred by the international drug manufacturers for carrying out the clinical traits at the global level as it can methodically carry out in the reasonable cost and time analyzing the various phases in the trails.Initiatives are being taken by the Indian government to support the clinical trials market in the country. It keeps a watch on the moves and provisions made by the Indian government to rationally analyze the future course of direction of the market. The key factors that boost the country's clinical trials are the patient pool, patient recruitment, cost, time, government regulations, rational property, human resources, infrastructure and ethical issues. Moreover a language is not a problem in India as most of the studies are carried out in the English language. India has the availability of a large patient pool that can be recruited at much shorter time. This is one of biggest advantage of conducting clinical trials in India.All major pharmaceutical companies and Clinical Research Organizations have already started conducting their clinical trials in India, and with improving infrastructure, industry friendly regulations and trained workforce, the growth is only likely to increase in future. In 2006, Indian clinical trails market grew around 65% in 2006 and it is expected to grow nearly 36% between 2006 and 2011 to register revenues worth $546 million in future. India is growing as a preferred destination for global clinical trials and research, with the market being estimated to reach $1.5 billion by 2010, which may trigger a shortage of around 30,000 to 50,000 clinical research professionals by then. Today, India had just 5000 available trained manpower but with very little or no experience.There are a lot of trials occurring in fields like diabetes, oncology and lifestyle diseases happening in India but to achieve the goal of becoming a global hub of clinical trials, India will have to overcome challenges like unethical trials, delay in trial approval, inappropriate protection of clinical data, and lack of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certified sites and investigators.Thus, by improving on the weekness and empathizing on GCP India can surley acchive its goal of becoming a global hub for clinical research.
India is celebrating the 60 years of independence. We are assured and secured that for past 60 years we are having a colorful and a glorious celebrations. But what really was the scene 60 yrs ago??August 15, 1947 the 1st Independence Day. Great joy and celebration was seen all across the country. New Delhi in particular was the hub of nationalistic fever… hub for nationalism with the gathering of crowds in public places…people from all walks of life gathering and celebrating the free festive of independence…men, boys, gals, ladies all oozing with glory of freedom …glory of independence…glory to see India free. Spirit and enthusiasm was noteworthy. The tricolor hosted and what the world witnessed was only cheerful faces…broad smiles and watered eyes.Really the spirit was noteworthy. We have been hearing and listening to the stories and reading bout Indian independence fight right from the time we have been understand or the time we can read. But all this is past and of course we are proud of it. But are we really doing anything to sustain the precious gift we got after a 150 yrs of hard struggle? After 1000s of precious life scarifies? Do u think India is really independent after all this??Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister gave a speech to the Constituent Assembly at midnight on August 14, 1947. "At the dawn of history India started on her unending quest. She has never lost sight of that quest or forgotten the ideals, which gave her strength. We end today, a period of ill fortune and India discovers herself again." His speech inspired us with ideals about a new beginning for India.Has India lived up to these ideals? Although the British no longer occupy India, is she really independent of their influence? While they were in India, we began to follow their traditions, their philosophies, and their lifestyle. We silently allowed them desecrate our heritage, culture and religion. Yet now, it is we, the Indians that continue to honor those who tried to destroy our culture.
Perhaps the biggest tragedy has been in the area of religion. Yes I am taking bout the recent CASTE RESERVATION SYSTEM! If we are going for reservations on communal and caste bases, we swamp the bright and talented people and remain second rated or even third rated. I want my country to be first class country. This reservation is nothing but a big blot on Indian system. SO discrimination should be stoppedThe other biggest issue is poverty…unless people are provided with the basic amenities we can expect them having a discreet and proper approach toward life. Unless poverty is been minimized in fact abolished we can’t think of prosperous growth in the sector of technology and industries. Leave bout the growth in those departments but the basic necessities of knowledge and education cannot be provided unless poverty is abolished. Bold plans should be aimed so that rich, youth could help to the cause. So the elementary but massive problem is POVERTY.When we stop discriminating between our self and help eradicate poverty issue then only we can be armed with technology, industrialism and the most important power of education and knowledge. Plans like EACH ONE TEACH ONE should be empowered in every literate civilian. Thus slowly we can achieve great heights and fight boldly against the challenges like terrorism, poverty and population and power!Though India is facing so many problems but we have always seem the growth graph of India rising day by day. We have archived great success in the field of nuclear power, IT, green revolution, milk revolution, in infrastructure and communication. The country pre independent was know as exotic land associated with snake charmers and fakirs lying in beds of nail now is know as a land of immense wisdom and intelligence which have produced many pioneers.
Thought their dedication and hard work and optimism these achievers fueled India’s growth but also gave it international recognition. If CV Raman and Mother Teresa got us noble prize then Satyajit Ray got the 1st Oscar. If Sachin Tendulkar and PT Usha show amazing performance in there game then Birla, Tata, Narayan Muthy and Ambanis in industries and private sector. Together they are the father and mother of newly born nation. Not only these people were successful in there respective fields they were visionary who dare to thing …dare to dream beyond the present and create a beautiful future not just for the children...the youth...but also for the country and all of us.Every nation relies on youth for the development and progress. So been the generation Z and the responsible citizen of India lets come together and help to prosper India and make India truly independent.I would like to end my words with few words said by our X- president APJ ABDUL KALAM in his book IGNITED MINDS~Song of youthME and my Nation- IndiaAs a young citizen of India,Armed with technology, knowledge and love for my nation,I realize that small aim is crime.I will work and sweat for great vision,The vision to transforming India into a developed nationPowered by economic strength with value system.I am one of the citizens of a billion,Only will the vision ignite the billion souls.It has entered into me,The ignited soul compared to any resource,Is the most powerful resource,On the earth, above the earth and under the earth.I will keep the lamp of knowledge burningTo achieve the vision- Developed India.JAI Hind.
Perhaps the biggest tragedy has been in the area of religion. Yes I am taking bout the recent CASTE RESERVATION SYSTEM! If we are going for reservations on communal and caste bases, we swamp the bright and talented people and remain second rated or even third rated. I want my country to be first class country. This reservation is nothing but a big blot on Indian system. SO discrimination should be stoppedThe other biggest issue is poverty…unless people are provided with the basic amenities we can expect them having a discreet and proper approach toward life. Unless poverty is been minimized in fact abolished we can’t think of prosperous growth in the sector of technology and industries. Leave bout the growth in those departments but the basic necessities of knowledge and education cannot be provided unless poverty is abolished. Bold plans should be aimed so that rich, youth could help to the cause. So the elementary but massive problem is POVERTY.When we stop discriminating between our self and help eradicate poverty issue then only we can be armed with technology, industrialism and the most important power of education and knowledge. Plans like EACH ONE TEACH ONE should be empowered in every literate civilian. Thus slowly we can achieve great heights and fight boldly against the challenges like terrorism, poverty and population and power!Though India is facing so many problems but we have always seem the growth graph of India rising day by day. We have archived great success in the field of nuclear power, IT, green revolution, milk revolution, in infrastructure and communication. The country pre independent was know as exotic land associated with snake charmers and fakirs lying in beds of nail now is know as a land of immense wisdom and intelligence which have produced many pioneers.
Thought their dedication and hard work and optimism these achievers fueled India’s growth but also gave it international recognition. If CV Raman and Mother Teresa got us noble prize then Satyajit Ray got the 1st Oscar. If Sachin Tendulkar and PT Usha show amazing performance in there game then Birla, Tata, Narayan Muthy and Ambanis in industries and private sector. Together they are the father and mother of newly born nation. Not only these people were successful in there respective fields they were visionary who dare to thing …dare to dream beyond the present and create a beautiful future not just for the children...the youth...but also for the country and all of us.Every nation relies on youth for the development and progress. So been the generation Z and the responsible citizen of India lets come together and help to prosper India and make India truly independent.I would like to end my words with few words said by our X- president APJ ABDUL KALAM in his book IGNITED MINDS~Song of youthME and my Nation- IndiaAs a young citizen of India,Armed with technology, knowledge and love for my nation,I realize that small aim is crime.I will work and sweat for great vision,The vision to transforming India into a developed nationPowered by economic strength with value system.I am one of the citizens of a billion,Only will the vision ignite the billion souls.It has entered into me,The ignited soul compared to any resource,Is the most powerful resource,On the earth, above the earth and under the earth.I will keep the lamp of knowledge burningTo achieve the vision- Developed India.JAI Hind.
13 longest words in English language
13 longest words in English language13. Honorificabilitudinita - Tibus (27 letters)
The word occurs in Shakespeare's play Love's Labour's Lost, and mens "with honorablenesses." It can also be viewed as a rearrangement of the Latin sentence "Hi ludi F. Baconis nati tuiti orbi", meaning: "Tese plays, F.Bacon's offspring, are preserved for the world. This twist has been used to support the"Baconian theory" that Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays.However, in The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1957), William F. and Elizebeth S. Friedman have similar anagrams that "prove" Theodore Roosevelt, Lewis Carroll, and Gertrude Stein also wrote Shakespeare.
12. Antidisestablishmentarianism(28 letters)
The word means, according Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language, "a doctrine of opposition to disestablishment (withdrawal of state patronage, support, or exclusive recognition from a church)".It is said to have been used once by British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898).
11. Floccinaucinihilipipification (29 letters)
This is found in the Oxford English Dictionary, and means "the action or habit of estimating something as worthless".
10. Supercalifragilisticeplalidocious (34 letters)
From the movie Mary Poppins. It means "god".
9. Praetertranssubstantiationalistically (37 letters)
Used by Mark McShane in his novel Untimely Ripped (1963). It means the act of surpassing the act of transubstantiation, which refers specifically to the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ during the Roman Catholic mass.
8. Hepaticocholecystostcholecystenterostomy(40 letters)
Found in Gould's Medical Dictionary. It is defined as "the surgical formation of a passage between the gall bladder and hepatic duct, on the one hand, andbetween the intestine and he gall bladder, on the other".
7. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosts (45 letters)
Found in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 8th edition. It is "a pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust". It occurs especially in miners.
6. Antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the coprofied (50 letters)
The title of a book on a shelf in a library in the classic ribald work Gargantua and Pantagruel, by Francois Rabelais.
5. Osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary (51 letters)
A team that describes the structure of the human body; it occurs in Heading Hall (1861), a novel by Thomas Love Peacock.
4. Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminoscupreovitriolic (52 letters)
Describes the composition of the spa wters at Bristol, in Gloucestershire, England. The word was coined by an English medical writer, Dr. Edward Strother (1675 - 1737).
3.Bababadalgharaghtakamminapronnkonnbronntonnepronnt-uonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordeenenthurnuk (100 letters)
This word is on the first pate of Finegans Wake by James Joyce, and is a symbolic thunderclap representing the fall of Adam and Eve. (Other 100-letter words appear throughout the book.)
2. Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrim-matosilphiparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophat-toperisteralektryonoptekephalliokiglopeleiolagoiosiraiobaph-etraganopterygon (182 letters)
The English transliteration of a Greek word that occurs in Aristophanes' play The Ecclesiazusae. The word is defined a "a goulash composed of all the leftovers from the meals of the last two weeks", or "has". A more, detailed translation is"plattero-filletomulleti-turboto-cranio-morselo-pickleo-acido-silphio-honeyo-poured on the top of theouzelo-throstleo-cushato-culvero-roastingo-marrowo-dippero-levereto-syrupo-gibleto-wings.
1. (3,600 letters) {am I gone nuts to write that word down!!}
A chemical name describing bovine NADP - specific glutamate dehydrogenase, which contains 500 amino acids.
Finally an easnest request to u all my blog readers... do teach me to pronouce these words! I am not asking anything big...just 13 words!
The word occurs in Shakespeare's play Love's Labour's Lost, and mens "with honorablenesses." It can also be viewed as a rearrangement of the Latin sentence "Hi ludi F. Baconis nati tuiti orbi", meaning: "Tese plays, F.Bacon's offspring, are preserved for the world. This twist has been used to support the"Baconian theory" that Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays.However, in The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1957), William F. and Elizebeth S. Friedman have similar anagrams that "prove" Theodore Roosevelt, Lewis Carroll, and Gertrude Stein also wrote Shakespeare.
12. Antidisestablishmentarianism(28 letters)
The word means, according Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language, "a doctrine of opposition to disestablishment (withdrawal of state patronage, support, or exclusive recognition from a church)".It is said to have been used once by British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898).
11. Floccinaucinihilipipification (29 letters)
This is found in the Oxford English Dictionary, and means "the action or habit of estimating something as worthless".
10. Supercalifragilisticeplalidocious (34 letters)
From the movie Mary Poppins. It means "god".
9. Praetertranssubstantiationalistically (37 letters)
Used by Mark McShane in his novel Untimely Ripped (1963). It means the act of surpassing the act of transubstantiation, which refers specifically to the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ during the Roman Catholic mass.
8. Hepaticocholecystostcholecystenterostomy(40 letters)
Found in Gould's Medical Dictionary. It is defined as "the surgical formation of a passage between the gall bladder and hepatic duct, on the one hand, andbetween the intestine and he gall bladder, on the other".
7. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosts (45 letters)
Found in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 8th edition. It is "a pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust". It occurs especially in miners.
6. Antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the coprofied (50 letters)
The title of a book on a shelf in a library in the classic ribald work Gargantua and Pantagruel, by Francois Rabelais.
5. Osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary (51 letters)
A team that describes the structure of the human body; it occurs in Heading Hall (1861), a novel by Thomas Love Peacock.
4. Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminoscupreovitriolic (52 letters)
Describes the composition of the spa wters at Bristol, in Gloucestershire, England. The word was coined by an English medical writer, Dr. Edward Strother (1675 - 1737).
3.Bababadalgharaghtakamminapronnkonnbronntonnepronnt-uonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordeenenthurnuk (100 letters)
This word is on the first pate of Finegans Wake by James Joyce, and is a symbolic thunderclap representing the fall of Adam and Eve. (Other 100-letter words appear throughout the book.)
2. Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrim-matosilphiparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophat-toperisteralektryonoptekephalliokiglopeleiolagoiosiraiobaph-etraganopterygon (182 letters)
The English transliteration of a Greek word that occurs in Aristophanes' play The Ecclesiazusae. The word is defined a "a goulash composed of all the leftovers from the meals of the last two weeks", or "has". A more, detailed translation is"plattero-filletomulleti-turboto-cranio-morselo-pickleo-acido-silphio-honeyo-poured on the top of theouzelo-throstleo-cushato-culvero-roastingo-marrowo-dippero-levereto-syrupo-gibleto-wings.
1. (3,600 letters) {am I gone nuts to write that word down!!}
A chemical name describing bovine NADP - specific glutamate dehydrogenase, which contains 500 amino acids.
Finally an easnest request to u all my blog readers... do teach me to pronouce these words! I am not asking anything big...just 13 words!
A Fool There Was
APRIL FOOLS' DAY leaves a lot to be desired. No one gets a day off work when it falls on a weekday. And work is harder when you find yourself doing whatever you do with your shoelaces tied together.
But the real problem, as the other spring holidays make clear by contrast, is that there's no personality attached to April Fools' Day. Just look at the celebrations you can build around an Irish missionary or a somnolent rodent, to say nothing of a messiah or a plague-wielding patriarch. What April 1 needs is a patron saint of the practical joke.
Fortunately, there's a clear choice for the job. It's hard to say whether the Anglo-Irish prankster Horace de Vere Cole's birth in May 1881 really occurred at Blarney, in County Cork, as he would later maintain. But the claim was (as James Frey said to Oprah Winfrey) "essentially true."
Cole's family must have seen his foolish streak early on, and it seems they tried to squash it with education, first at Eton and later at Cambridge. But Cole's inner jester only flourished. At Cambridge, for example, when Cole and his friend Adrian Stephen learned that the Sultan of Zanzibar was touring England, they had themselves made up in "oriental" garb and sent a telegram to the mayor, announcing the sultan's imminent arrival.
The Cambridge town clerk met their train at the station and escorted the royal party, with full pomp, to the Guildhall, where the mayor gave them a formal reception. Cole and Stephen spent the day touring the town and its colleges, dodging a retired missionary who tried to speak with the sultan in his native language. Cole, posing as the sovereign's bilingual uncle, finally informed the woman that she was not permitted to address the sultan unless she wanted to join his harem.
When the Cambridge entourage finally ushered the two back to the station, there was nothing left to do but hike up the skirts of their costumes and dash away through the crowd.
The Sultan of Zanzibar episode was but a dry run for a much bigger escapade a few years later, when Britain and Germany were engaged in an arms race that would soon flare into war. In 1906, the British Navy launched the Dreadnought, a fast, heavily armed behemoth that changed naval warfare. Its awesome power was the focus of attention abroad, just as its shocking expense was a point of debate at home. In 1910, Cole decided it was worth a look.
He recruited a crew of pranksters from his Bloomsbury set, including Stephen, the painter Duncan Grant, and Stephen's sister Virginia, later Virginia Woolf. Posing as a member of the Foreign Office, Cole then wired the Admiralty to announce that the Emperor of Abyssinia would soon arrive to inspect the Home Fleet.
Virginia, Grant and a few others were made up in beards and blackface, and the group boarded the train for Weymouth, where the fleet was docked. On the way down, Stephen, who would play the role of translator, worked up a few words of Swahili from a missionary grammar, on the assumption that one African language would sound like another to the officers of the British Navy.
Once again Cole's party was met by an official entourage, this time in full military regalia. The emperor was invited on board the Dreadnought and shown the ship's innovations. Stephen, who had already forgotten his Swahili, carried off the translator's duties by garbling the pronunciation of Greek and Latin passages from Homer and Virgil.
After inspecting the honor guard and watching the guns swivel for a while, the party declined lunch on the ground that, as Stephen later put it, "the religious beliefs of Abyssinia made it impossible for the royal family to touch food unless it was prepared in quite special ways." As the royal party disembarked, the Navy bandmaster, explaining that the music for the Abyssinian national anthem was unavailable, launched into the Zanzibar anthem, a more appropriate choice than he knew.
The prank started to unravel some weeks later. Some reports maintain that the Navy investigated after a young officer petitioned for permission to wear on his uniform a medal Cole had presented him. It's more likely that Cole himself sent the story to The Daily Mirror, along with a photo of the emperor and his party. It's unclear where the Mirror reporter got the idea that the fake Abyssinians had used the phrase "Bunga, bunga," but after the account appeared, the words soon turned up in music hall songs, and boys used them to taunt naval officers on the streets. Although the Navy never took official action against the hoaxers, a group of officers showed up at Cole's house and gave him a ceremonial whipping.
According to Virginia Woolf, when the real Emperor of Abyssinia arrived in London weeks later, wherever he went, "the street boys ran after him calling out 'Bunga, bunga.' " And when the emperor asked if he could look at the British fleet, the first lord of the Admiralty "replied that he regretted to inform his majesty that it was quite impossible."
Although Cole would never again match the hoaxing perfection of the Dreadnought affair, he continued to pursue his art on a smaller scale. In London, he arranged a party at which the guests, on introducing themselves, realized with embarrassment that they had all been invited because their surnames included some form of the word "bottom." He bought tickets for particular seats at a theatrical performance and distributed them to bald men whose heads spelled out an expletive that was legible from the balcony above.
Wearing workman's clothing he set up barriers on Piccadilly Circus and tore up the road while hoodwinked policemen rerouted traffic. On his honeymoon in Venice, Cole left his new wife in the middle of the night to collect horse manure on the mainland, which he then spread around the Piazza San Marco. The next morning, April 1, the residents, who knew there were no horses in the city, were confused to find this evidence of a nighttime visit.
In later life, Cole fell on hard times. His first wife left him when he lost his money in a real estate scheme. Her successor had a child with one of Cole's friends, the painter Augustus John, while she was still married to Cole. In the end even the strategies of subterfuge that had seen Cole though a lifetime of practical joking began to betray him. The ordinarily restrained Dictionary of National Biography reports that Cole's "advanced deafness prevented him from realizing that his carefully timed coughing was inadequate to cover his explosive breaking of wind."
Cole died in 1936 in France, where his high jinks went unappreciated. Over the years admirers have occasionally cropped up to trumpet his accomplishments or to give him credit for unsolved mysteries like the Piltdown Man hoax. But his achievements are largely forgotten. April Fools' Day is the perfect occasion for restoring him to his rightful post as jester in chief. As you wind your way through the ranks of today's lesser pranksters, remember Horace de Vere Cole. If you're planning practical jokes of your own, you'd do well to keep his high standard in mind.
But the real problem, as the other spring holidays make clear by contrast, is that there's no personality attached to April Fools' Day. Just look at the celebrations you can build around an Irish missionary or a somnolent rodent, to say nothing of a messiah or a plague-wielding patriarch. What April 1 needs is a patron saint of the practical joke.
Fortunately, there's a clear choice for the job. It's hard to say whether the Anglo-Irish prankster Horace de Vere Cole's birth in May 1881 really occurred at Blarney, in County Cork, as he would later maintain. But the claim was (as James Frey said to Oprah Winfrey) "essentially true."
Cole's family must have seen his foolish streak early on, and it seems they tried to squash it with education, first at Eton and later at Cambridge. But Cole's inner jester only flourished. At Cambridge, for example, when Cole and his friend Adrian Stephen learned that the Sultan of Zanzibar was touring England, they had themselves made up in "oriental" garb and sent a telegram to the mayor, announcing the sultan's imminent arrival.
The Cambridge town clerk met their train at the station and escorted the royal party, with full pomp, to the Guildhall, where the mayor gave them a formal reception. Cole and Stephen spent the day touring the town and its colleges, dodging a retired missionary who tried to speak with the sultan in his native language. Cole, posing as the sovereign's bilingual uncle, finally informed the woman that she was not permitted to address the sultan unless she wanted to join his harem.
When the Cambridge entourage finally ushered the two back to the station, there was nothing left to do but hike up the skirts of their costumes and dash away through the crowd.
The Sultan of Zanzibar episode was but a dry run for a much bigger escapade a few years later, when Britain and Germany were engaged in an arms race that would soon flare into war. In 1906, the British Navy launched the Dreadnought, a fast, heavily armed behemoth that changed naval warfare. Its awesome power was the focus of attention abroad, just as its shocking expense was a point of debate at home. In 1910, Cole decided it was worth a look.
He recruited a crew of pranksters from his Bloomsbury set, including Stephen, the painter Duncan Grant, and Stephen's sister Virginia, later Virginia Woolf. Posing as a member of the Foreign Office, Cole then wired the Admiralty to announce that the Emperor of Abyssinia would soon arrive to inspect the Home Fleet.
Virginia, Grant and a few others were made up in beards and blackface, and the group boarded the train for Weymouth, where the fleet was docked. On the way down, Stephen, who would play the role of translator, worked up a few words of Swahili from a missionary grammar, on the assumption that one African language would sound like another to the officers of the British Navy.
Once again Cole's party was met by an official entourage, this time in full military regalia. The emperor was invited on board the Dreadnought and shown the ship's innovations. Stephen, who had already forgotten his Swahili, carried off the translator's duties by garbling the pronunciation of Greek and Latin passages from Homer and Virgil.
After inspecting the honor guard and watching the guns swivel for a while, the party declined lunch on the ground that, as Stephen later put it, "the religious beliefs of Abyssinia made it impossible for the royal family to touch food unless it was prepared in quite special ways." As the royal party disembarked, the Navy bandmaster, explaining that the music for the Abyssinian national anthem was unavailable, launched into the Zanzibar anthem, a more appropriate choice than he knew.
The prank started to unravel some weeks later. Some reports maintain that the Navy investigated after a young officer petitioned for permission to wear on his uniform a medal Cole had presented him. It's more likely that Cole himself sent the story to The Daily Mirror, along with a photo of the emperor and his party. It's unclear where the Mirror reporter got the idea that the fake Abyssinians had used the phrase "Bunga, bunga," but after the account appeared, the words soon turned up in music hall songs, and boys used them to taunt naval officers on the streets. Although the Navy never took official action against the hoaxers, a group of officers showed up at Cole's house and gave him a ceremonial whipping.
According to Virginia Woolf, when the real Emperor of Abyssinia arrived in London weeks later, wherever he went, "the street boys ran after him calling out 'Bunga, bunga.' " And when the emperor asked if he could look at the British fleet, the first lord of the Admiralty "replied that he regretted to inform his majesty that it was quite impossible."
Although Cole would never again match the hoaxing perfection of the Dreadnought affair, he continued to pursue his art on a smaller scale. In London, he arranged a party at which the guests, on introducing themselves, realized with embarrassment that they had all been invited because their surnames included some form of the word "bottom." He bought tickets for particular seats at a theatrical performance and distributed them to bald men whose heads spelled out an expletive that was legible from the balcony above.
Wearing workman's clothing he set up barriers on Piccadilly Circus and tore up the road while hoodwinked policemen rerouted traffic. On his honeymoon in Venice, Cole left his new wife in the middle of the night to collect horse manure on the mainland, which he then spread around the Piazza San Marco. The next morning, April 1, the residents, who knew there were no horses in the city, were confused to find this evidence of a nighttime visit.
In later life, Cole fell on hard times. His first wife left him when he lost his money in a real estate scheme. Her successor had a child with one of Cole's friends, the painter Augustus John, while she was still married to Cole. In the end even the strategies of subterfuge that had seen Cole though a lifetime of practical joking began to betray him. The ordinarily restrained Dictionary of National Biography reports that Cole's "advanced deafness prevented him from realizing that his carefully timed coughing was inadequate to cover his explosive breaking of wind."
Cole died in 1936 in France, where his high jinks went unappreciated. Over the years admirers have occasionally cropped up to trumpet his accomplishments or to give him credit for unsolved mysteries like the Piltdown Man hoax. But his achievements are largely forgotten. April Fools' Day is the perfect occasion for restoring him to his rightful post as jester in chief. As you wind your way through the ranks of today's lesser pranksters, remember Horace de Vere Cole. If you're planning practical jokes of your own, you'd do well to keep his high standard in mind.
Food, for thought!
It's not easy being a vegetarian! Ask them for a fried bird, a baked animal, a marinated limb...a breast in sauce and they'll promptly get it. Ask them for "something vegetarian" and they'll first serve you a look of surprise, then a look of "uh, now we have to figure something out specially for this one" and then... pity because they know whatever they have managed to throw on your plate isn't even appetizing to them... leave alone your vegetarian taste buds!
No surprise then, that I was very excited when we decided to take the show to Chennai, where I'm told a vegetarian has enough to choose from. I love south Indian food! Its another matter altogether, that my description of south Indian food begins and ends at dosas. Anyhow... I was excited.
There are things I knew about this city, even before this travel. I'd stopped over several times in (the then Madras) on our way from Port blair to Delhi. My only recollection of Chennai was getting off at the airport and heading to the train station to board a train to Hazrat Nizamuddin. And part of that trip, was this one unforgettable riksha ride where the rishawala made mum, dad and me all get off and pull the riksha up the slope when he couldn't manage alone! In hindsight, that was his subtle way of saying "You fat cows... heard of a diet, ever"!"
We went to Chennai with the idea of doing a show about the massive He-She divide that is an inherent part of the city. Something I'm told that comes in at the very grass root level, schools and colleges. Lets not even get started on the whole "denims and t-shirts are not allowed" bit. The thing that amused me , was that certain colleges have separate water coolers for boy and girls. What amused me further, was that of the lot we met, many students disliked the idea (well, can u blame 'em!) however didn't dislike it enough to react to it. "I just have to deal with it while I'm here, and then I'm back to kochi once I'm done with college," said a guy called Abhishek Mehra on camera... when I asked him about the gender divide and how it makes him feel.
Colleges aside, wWe went looking then, (and this is the part that this show is really about), for people who're managing to live within this society...without having to give up on what they think is right or wrong. Is it easy"! "Not really," said Nanditha, the by now famous lead singer of the Band NO IDEA. I don't know what made her a household name... the music or her live in relationship. Because quite frankly, more seemed to know about the fact that she lived in with a guy for years together, than they would about the fact that her band has been a winner at the Great Indian rock band fest. And that is what made her so interesting. The fact that she hasn't stopped living because her neighbors would make faces and pass comments. And that's when we realized the youth of Chennai was out to make it big...
So weather it was Sunita, the female bar tender who's learning the skill despite the fact that almost no bar in Chennai will hire a female bar tender, or Alisha...the female biker who's continuing to race despite the lack of sponsors.... We were all excited about the show... because it managed to take us beyond what we went looking for... the gender divide.
A quick lesson in bharatnatyam and a filter coffee later..we had some stuff we could say with conviction.
Does the gender divide... yes!
Does it really matter"" Well, to someone who has that go getter can it really"!
They're too preoccupied making dreams come true!
P! ;)
No surprise then, that I was very excited when we decided to take the show to Chennai, where I'm told a vegetarian has enough to choose from. I love south Indian food! Its another matter altogether, that my description of south Indian food begins and ends at dosas. Anyhow... I was excited.
There are things I knew about this city, even before this travel. I'd stopped over several times in (the then Madras) on our way from Port blair to Delhi. My only recollection of Chennai was getting off at the airport and heading to the train station to board a train to Hazrat Nizamuddin. And part of that trip, was this one unforgettable riksha ride where the rishawala made mum, dad and me all get off and pull the riksha up the slope when he couldn't manage alone! In hindsight, that was his subtle way of saying "You fat cows... heard of a diet, ever"!"
We went to Chennai with the idea of doing a show about the massive He-She divide that is an inherent part of the city. Something I'm told that comes in at the very grass root level, schools and colleges. Lets not even get started on the whole "denims and t-shirts are not allowed" bit. The thing that amused me , was that certain colleges have separate water coolers for boy and girls. What amused me further, was that of the lot we met, many students disliked the idea (well, can u blame 'em!) however didn't dislike it enough to react to it. "I just have to deal with it while I'm here, and then I'm back to kochi once I'm done with college," said a guy called Abhishek Mehra on camera... when I asked him about the gender divide and how it makes him feel.
Colleges aside, wWe went looking then, (and this is the part that this show is really about), for people who're managing to live within this society...without having to give up on what they think is right or wrong. Is it easy"! "Not really," said Nanditha, the by now famous lead singer of the Band NO IDEA. I don't know what made her a household name... the music or her live in relationship. Because quite frankly, more seemed to know about the fact that she lived in with a guy for years together, than they would about the fact that her band has been a winner at the Great Indian rock band fest. And that is what made her so interesting. The fact that she hasn't stopped living because her neighbors would make faces and pass comments. And that's when we realized the youth of Chennai was out to make it big...
So weather it was Sunita, the female bar tender who's learning the skill despite the fact that almost no bar in Chennai will hire a female bar tender, or Alisha...the female biker who's continuing to race despite the lack of sponsors.... We were all excited about the show... because it managed to take us beyond what we went looking for... the gender divide.
A quick lesson in bharatnatyam and a filter coffee later..we had some stuff we could say with conviction.
Does the gender divide... yes!
Does it really matter"" Well, to someone who has that go getter can it really"!
They're too preoccupied making dreams come true!
P! ;)
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