Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Luck or Hard work?

You've probably heard your parents or teachers tell you throughout life to work hard and it will pay off. Give it your best shot and you will succeed. Put your heart and soul into what you want and you can have anything you set your mind to. Then there are those that swear by luck.

Destiny is everything according to these believers of fate. You can only have what you are destined to have.
I look around me and think about the many people in my life that are at different phases in their careers. There are those that have done well, some that have lost their path to success and others that have succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. I have seen 25 year olds becoming Directors and Program Managers, entrepreneurs all around in their mid 20's - mid 30's, young CEO/CTO/CFOs and yet some still searching for the "perfect job".

I have a cousin that just started a company last year thats already valued at 10's of millions of dollars. A friend of mine signed a deal last year making him a millionaire for at least the next 10 years. Another friend who is making recording deals and is a millionaire before hitting 25. One whose trust fund is maturing next month and another whose kids will probably never have to work.

So is it hard work that brought them where they are or is it luck? Sure most of these people have put a lot of effort and sleepless nights into getting to where they are today. These are smart individuals with immense drives and great ambitions that lead them to success and prosperity. The trust fund babies had it all handed to them on a silver platter but they will probably spend their lives working hard in trying to maintain it. But is it just plain hard work that is solely responsible for the incredible success these people have achieved?

There are so many people that I know that are total worker bees that work above and beyond the call of duty yet they are not nearly as successful. The employees that are first in and last out yet are still awaiting promotions after doing their job well for 12 years. People that have built companies from the ground up and given it their all only to see it crumble in front of them due to freak accidents or poor economy. Classic example is of those that invested in the real estate or stock market. There are those that made millions and others that followed that lost millions. A relative of mine doubled his business thanks to a storm that hit the city next to his destroying all business in that city hence allowing my cousin to step in and take more business. I mean isn't that just pure luck? The storm could've hit his city just as easily and then he'd be outta business but instead here he is richer faster than he had expected.
I have a cousin in India who says he's just waiting for his good fortune to come. He doesn't think he has to do anything because he knows its his fate to be rich in life, his palm reader said so. He is still living with his parents and unhappily unmarried. So clearly, just luck doesn't do it.

What is it that pushes you to that next level, beyond the norm?? Is it equal amounts of luck & hard work or the "right" combination of the two? If so, how do you get to the right combination???

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