Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Perfect Present

By very nature humans are curious. This curiosity, however, sometimes lead us to doing stuff that we, later, regret.When things turn out to be in our favor, we usually gain something-Experience, which by the way is a good thing.But how do we cope and thereafter deal with the aftermath when things turn out to be against us and therefore leave us with nothing but the regret of having done them.Most people try to condone what has happened and TRY to move on (and, well most of those "most people" are usually successful), but can we really move away from the damage that has already been done. Can we ever really get ride of those ghosts that come back over and over, to haunt us and remind of all the evil that we did. That "evil" can be anything varying from breaking someone’s property for own interest to breaking someone’s heart. Having done something bad in past is it possible to minimize its effects on our present and plan a better future. And more importantly:How can we move on, if our past is present...???

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