Monday, July 28, 2008


It seems to me that everyone under 25 is obsessed with three thing in India. They are
1. IPL
2. Chetan Bhagat"s new novel and
3. Orkut.I don"t blame them for the first two since even above 25 are obsessed with them . But I can"t understand the lure of Orkut. Orkut is considered as a social networking website where you can catch up with your friends but I have found that people who were considered as serial murders during college have friendlist crossing 100 (I have less than 100 friends).
Its surprising that orkut is helping people discover friends with whom they rarely spoke less shared sutta. Boys who were scared even to ask for notes from gals are scrapping them as if they were his buddy pals in college.(And the buddy pal added in the friendlist is busy scraping same gal). If u ask me Orkut has launched a revolution by making Indians realize that its a national duty to have atleast 100 pals and to scrap atleast 10 people every day. But what I am unable to understand is the role played by offices and colleges in this national movement of friendliness. Where ever I have gone orkut has been banned . Even proxy servers are unable to help us to perform our duty. Offices are treating orkut as a nuisance where employees spend precious resources by sending long scraps to people who reply with “HI. How r u?” or “Fine”. I am unable to understand the mentality of management. Do they think by banning orkut they will be able to make employees work. I doubt it. What didn"t worked in last 3 years is not expected to work ever .But I don"t want to blame management, they can make mistakes while going through tedious process of making stupid decisions , playing golf and finding scape goat for their poor decisions.
What I really have objection is against colleges. Why are they unable to acknowledge that how important is for student to scrap people whom they share bench before and after lunch. It seems colleges have underestimated their ability to churn out students without any employable skills. It is this network and not Kotler which will help them to achieve their monthly target of insurance/mutual fund/credit card/loan/etc/etc. To conclude -
It seems that youngsters are obsessed with orkut and oldies with stopping them. Hence I would request you to follow the age old dictum. Love (Scrap) thy neighbor; but don"t get caught.

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