Monday, July 28, 2008

Add Insert Option to CD Drive Context Menu

We already know that there is a cd eject option on the cd drive but the question is if we had cd eject option then why is the cd insert option not included? Thats a typical questions why windows didn’t included in its package. But you guys know that we can play around with the windows and “Adding Insert option to CD drive Context Menu” manually is not that tough.
Being lazy to press physically the insert button of the cd drive, we have some registry codes which will do work for us. We just need to click the newly created insert button of the cd drive. So guys try this tricks and fool your friends that your windows already have this insert option or whatever you like.
Here is the step-by-step procedure to Add Insert Option to CD Drive Context Menu:-
1. You will need to download dll file of cdeject. So download from the link from below and extract it and copy the DLL file to the %windir%\system32 folder.
2. Copy the following code into Notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{02A07E80-EFA2-11D4-8306-A7EBD4C50C7C}]@=”CDEject Context Menu Shell Extension”
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{02A07E80-EFA2-11D4-8306-A7EBD4C50C7C}\ InprocServer32]@=”C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cdeject.dll”“ThreadingModel”=”Apartment”
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\Shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\ {02a07e80-efa2-11d4-a7ebd4c50c7c}]@=”{02a07e80-efa2-11d4-8306-a7ebd4c50c7c}”

3. Save the file with any name, but the extension must be .reg
4. Run the file, it’ll ask for permission. Grant it.
5. You’ll now get the insert option in the CD drive context Menu.

After following the above procedure i.e., add insert option to cd drive context menu. So how is the trick!!! did you tried?

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