Monday, July 28, 2008

The Art of Failure

Some of us are more dearly loved is what i feel compared to those who slog each and every minute of life just to hang onto its very end.Yet success is biased in its own small self-righteous way making the successful even more successful and the failure even more dug into a miserly existence.These are the biases of life itself,one day you are the master of it all,the very next day no one knows you.
Although the taste of success is sweet,i vouch that failure too comes with a sweeter fragrance,but only for those who would like to smell it...The rest of us are so afraid that we hide away into our shells...never actually seeing the brighter side of it at all.
Failure teaches success and success denies failure,but the complex paradigm is actually a paradox..a truth..which I hardly seemed to recognise at first though now it seems a reality.
Once failure is recognised,success itself shall not be far away coz then one would strive for it..and the one who wont wouldn't mind failure either.Too much success leads to denying the whole basis of its existence....relating to my junior class,a 100 in maths section was a part of the report card,but its value was recognised once the 100 jumbled its numbers to form the beautiful 1.(not exactly that way)
The art of failure makes it worth the slog and those pitfalls are then accepted with much sweeter smell.Its then 'we' feel that yes some of us are dearly loved as for those who are shall wait its time.

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